Plecos are popular choices for home aquariums due to their peaceful nature and relatively easy care requirements.
However, like other aquatic creatures, they can experience stress from time to time. Pinpointing the exact reason can be a challenge, so I’ve compiled this guide to help you out.
I’ll walk you through 19 typical signs of stress in Plecos and offer comprehensive solutions for each concern. Let’s get started.
Also Read: Pleco Fish Care Guide
My Equipment
Before we get started, here’s a list of the gear I use in my Pleco fish tank to make it a comfortable and stress-free place:
- Hygger Aquarium Air Stone (link to Amazon)
- Tetra AquaSafe (link to Amazon)
- Fluval E300 Advanced Electronic Heater (link to Amazon)
- Laifoo 7ft Aquarium Siphon (link to Amazon)
- Seachem Nourish (link to Amazon)
- Seachem PolyGuard (link to Amazon)
- Jabukosu Aquarium Cave (link to Amazon)
- Invert Aquatics Mini Algae Discs (link to Amazon)
- Dr. Moss Malaysian Driftwood (link to Amazon)
19 Stress Signs in Plecos
Here are the most common stress symptoms in Pleco fish:
1. Loss of Appetite

Plecos have a natural inclination to munch away happily, especially during dusk and dawn.
When you notice your Pleco showing a reduced appetite or becoming finicky about its food, it’s a clear signal that something isn’t quite right in its environment or with its health.
How to Treat:
- Regular Feeding Schedule: Like clockwork, feed your Pleco at consistent times, such as 7 am and 7 pm, to establish a reassuring routine.
- Variety in Diet: Spice up their meals with a mix of algae wafers, blanched spinach, and the occasional treat of brine shrimp. Such dietary changes can stimulate their appetite.
- Check Water Parameters: Maintain an ideal pH range of 6.5-7.5. Using testing kits, ensure levels of ammonia and nitrites are as close to zero as possible.
- Monitor for Disease: Periodically inspect your Pleco for any unusual spots, discolorations, or behaviors. A continuous refusal to eat can be indicative of internal ailments or other health issues.
Also Read: Why Is My Pleco Not Eating?
2. Not Moving
Plecos are naturally active creatures, especially during the evening hours.
If you find your Pleco spending excessive time motionless or showing signs of lethargy, it’s a sign that something’s amiss.
How to Treat:
- Ensure Proper Temperature: Plecos are most comfortable in a temperature range of 74-80°F. Invest in a high-quality heater and monitor with a reliable thermometer.
- Provide Shelter: Consider adding more caves or pieces of driftwood to your tank setup. These serve as essential hiding and resting spots, making Plecos feel more secure.
- Check Tank Mates: Continually monitor the behavior of other fish. If any of them are bullying or stressing your Pleco, consider rehousing the aggressive ones.
- Regular Water Changes: Commit to changing about 20% of the tank water on a weekly basis. This ensures a fresh environment and can help perk up a lethargic Pleco.
Also Read: Why Is My Pleco Not Moving?
3. Hiding

Plecos are known to be somewhat secretive by nature, often hiding away during the day and coming out more actively during the night.
However, if your Pleco is consistently avoiding open spaces and spending an inordinate amount of time tucked away, it could be a sign of heightened stress or discomfort in its environment.
How to Treat:
- Ample Hiding Spots: Make sure there are sufficient caves, overhangs, or driftwood. For example, a 50-gallon tank should have at least 3-4 hiding spots for a Pleco’s comfort.
- Dim the Lighting: Plecos prefer subdued lighting. Consider using dimmable lights or reducing the number of hours the tank lights are on.
- Minimize External Disturbances: Reduce sudden loud noises, shadows, or movements around the tank. For instance, placing the tank in a quiet corner away from high traffic areas can help.
- Review Tank Mates: Some fish species can be aggressive or overly curious. Ensure your Pleco isn’t being constantly disturbed or harassed by its tank neighbors.
Also Read: Why Is My Pleco Hiding?
4. Erratic Swimming
Every now and then, Plecos may dash around, but continuous erratic swimming or darting is concerning.
This unusual behavior often indicates discomfort, be it from poor water quality, diseases, or other disturbances.
How to Treat:
- Test Water Regularly: Make it a habit to check pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels. For Plecos, ideal water conditions include a pH of 6.5-7.5 and ammonia/nitrite levels near zero.
- Observe for External Parasites: Tiny spots or moving specks on the Pleco’s body can be a cause. Treat with a recommended anti-parasitic medication.
- Minimize Tank Reflections: Overly reflective inner walls can stress Plecos. Adjust lighting or use backgrounds to reduce this effect.
- Safe Acclimatization: If newly introduced, ensure the Pleco is acclimated slowly over an hour, gradually mixing tank water into their bag.
Also Read: Why Is My Pleco Swimming Erratically?
5. Coming to the Surface

Plecos are primarily bottom dwellers. Frequently coming to the surface can indicate a lack of oxygen or a problem with the water’s composition.
How to Treat:
- Increase Oxygenation: Enhance the tank’s oxygen by adding air stones or increasing the power of the filter’s water flow.
- Test Water Parameters: Check for elevated ammonia or nitrites. These toxins can make it hard for Plecos to breathe underwater.
- Monitor Water Temperature: Cooler water holds more oxygen. Keep the temperature within 74-80°F, but lean toward the cooler side if oxygen might be low.
- Regular Maintenance: Ensure filters aren’t clogged. Clean them monthly and change about 20% of the tank water weekly.
Also Read: Why Is My Pleco Coming To The Surface?
6. Breathing Fast
Like us, Plecos show respiratory distress when uncomfortable. Rapid gill movements usually hint at poor water quality or disease.
How to Treat:
- Immediate Water Change: If you suspect poor water quality, replace 30% of the tank water right away. This can provide instant relief.
- Examine for Gill Parasites: Flukes or other parasites can cause rapid breathing. Treat with prescribed medications after consultation.
- Avoid Overcrowding: Too many fish can reduce available oxygen. Ensure there’s a balance; for instance, a 50-gallon tank can typically hold a Pleco and a few other compatible fish.
- Optimize Filtration: A high-quality filter not only cleans the water but ensures optimal oxygen levels. Consider upgrades if your current one is lacking.
Also Read: Why Is My Pleco Breathing Fast?
7. Twitching

Occasionally, a Pleco might twitch or shake. However, continuous or severe twitching might indicate a neurological issue, external irritants, or parasites.
How to Treat:
- Isolate and Observe: If twitching is severe, move the Pleco to a quarantine tank. This makes observation and treatment easier without affecting other fish.
- Treat for External Parasites: Consider using anti-parasitic baths. For example, a short freshwater bath can sometimes dislodge irritants or parasites.
- Review Water Quality: Elevated levels of certain chemicals can cause twitching. Regularly check for toxins like ammonia and ensure they’re close to zero.
- Reduce Stressors: Loud noises, frequent tank disturbances, or aggressive tank mates can contribute. Ensure the Pleco’s environment is calm and stable.
Also Read: Why Is My Pleco Fish Shaking?
8. Opening Mouth Wide
A Pleco opening its mouth wide repeatedly can indicate respiratory distress or a blocked mouth/nasal passage.
How to Treat:
- Monitor Oxygen Levels: Like with rapid breathing, ensure the tank has adequate oxygenation through air stones or powerful filters.
- Check for Mouth Obstructions: Sometimes, debris or substrate can get lodged. Carefully inspect and, if comfortable, gently assist in removing obstructions using aquarium-safe tweezers.
- Review Diet: Ensure the food size is appropriate. Overly large or hard food can sometimes cause issues. Breaking food into smaller pieces can help.
- Monitor Water Quality: As always, maintain the water parameters. High ammonia or nitrites can cause discomfort leading to this behavior.
Also Read: Why Is My Pleco’s Mouth Wide Open?
9. Turning Black

While some Plecos naturally darken with age or during breeding, a sudden darkening can be a sign of stress, disease, or injury.
How to Treat:
- Assess for Injuries: Check for open wounds or spots. If found, use aquarium salt or recommended medications to prevent infections.
- Optimal Water Conditions: Ensure pH, ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates are within suitable ranges. Regularly test and adjust as needed.
- Provide Safe Spaces: Stress can darken a Pleco. Offering multiple hiding spots like caves or shaded areas can help them feel more secure.
- Review Diet and Nutrition: Sometimes, deficiencies can affect coloration. Ensure a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.
Also Read: Why Is My Pleco Turning Black?
10. Turning White
A Pleco’s color turning pale or whitish is usually a cause for concern. This can be due to stress, poor nutrition, or skin issues.
How to Treat:
- Assess for Skin Issues: Look for fungal infections, which can manifest as white patches. Treat with antifungal medications after consulting a vet or expert.
- Maintain Clean Water: Regular water changes, about 20-30% weekly, ensure toxins are kept at bay, benefiting the Pleco’s overall color.
- Nutritious Diet: Feed them a varied diet rich in vitamins. Spirulina wafers, for instance, can enhance their natural color.
- Reduce Stress: Minimize tank disturbances, maintain consistent lighting, and ensure they have peaceful tank mates to avoid stress-induced color loss.
Also Read: Why Is My Pleco Turning White?
11. Turning Gray

A grayish hue can be due to aging, stress, or health concerns. While aging is natural, other causes need attention.
How to Treat:
- Regular Health Checkups: Look for external signs of distress or disease, such as spots, wounds, or abnormal behaviors.
- Stress-Free Environment: Maintain a serene tank ambiance with adequate hiding places and compatible tank mates to avoid undue stress.
- Monitor Water Parameters: Keep a close eye on water conditions. Ensure parameters like pH, ammonia, and nitrites are within the desired ranges for Plecos.
- Balanced Diet: Ensure they receive a well-rounded diet. Incorporate a mix of commercial foods and natural treats like blanched veggies.
Also Read: Why Is My Pleco Turning Gray?
12. Not Growing
A Pleco not reaching its expected size can be due to genetics, but more often, it’s related to nutrition, space, or health issues.
How to Treat:
- Proper Tank Size: Plecos need space. For example, a common Pleco should ideally be in a tank of 100 gallons or more as it matures.
- Nutrient-Rich Diet: Feed them a varied diet that meets all their nutritional needs. Rotate between algae wafers, fresh veggies, and occasional protein treats.
- Frequent Health Assessments: Look for signs of diseases or parasites. Regular checkups help in early detection and treatment.
- Monitor Tank Conditions: Consistent water quality, temperature, and filtration promote overall well-being and growth. Ensure their environment is optimal.
Also Read: Why Is My Pleco Not Growing?
13. Laying on Back

A Pleco on its back is alarming; it’s not standard behavior and needs prompt action.
How to Treat:
- Immediate Check: Examine for injuries or swallowed objects. Sometimes a small stone could be causing internal distress.
- Water Parameter Shifts: Adjust pH to 6.5-7.5; ensure ammonia and nitrite levels are near zero. A 25% water change might help.
- Quarantine the Pleco: Move to a 20-gallon isolation tank, ensuring similar water conditions, for easier observation and treatment.
- Consultation: Given the urgency, a vet or experienced aquarist can recommend medications or specific treatments.
Also Read: Why Is My Pleco Laying on Its Back?
14. Becoming Aggressive
Typically peaceful, Plecos can turn aggressive due to territory, stress, or mating drives.
How to Treat:
- Increase Territory: Add 2-3 caves or driftwood pieces per Pleco in a 50-gallon tank to reduce territorial clashes.
- Survey Tank Companions: Ensure other fish, like active tetras or barbs, aren’t pestering the Pleco, leading to aggression.
- Decor Adjustments: Shuffling plants or ornaments every month can break territorial habits and lower aggression.
- Feeding Strategy: Plecos can be moody when hungry. Feed them 2-3 algae wafers nightly and monitor their satiation levels.
Also Read: Why Has My Pleco Become Aggressive?
15. Clamped Fins

Clamped fins on a Pleco signal discomfort, be it from stress or a health ailment.
How to Treat:
- Fin Examination: Regularly inspect for fin rot signs, like fraying edges. Using anti-fin rot medication can help in early stages.
- Water Maintenance: Cleanliness is vital. Consider a 20% water change weekly and test parameters every three days for optimal health.
- Peaceful Tank: Avoid frequently tapping the glass or changing the tank setup, and ensure tank mates like cichlids aren’t aggressive to Plecos.
- Shelters for Comfort: In a 40-gallon tank, 3-4 hideouts like caves or shaded plants can offer Plecos a stress-relieving sanctuary.
16. Red or Inflamed Gills
If a Pleco shows red or swollen gills, it might be suffering from poor water quality, infections, or parasites.
How to Treat:
- Urgent Water Check: High ammonia levels can irritate gills. Keep it near zero; if high, a 30% water change can provide immediate relief.
- Observe for Parasites: Gill flukes are common culprits. Use anti-parasitic treatments like praziquantel, following recommended dosages.
- Oxygenate the Water: Add air stones or increase the filter’s flow. More oxygen can alleviate gill discomfort in a 60-gallon tank.
- Limit Chemical Usage: Overusing treatments or conditioners can harm gills. Always follow recommended dosages and intervals.
17. Cloudy Eyes

This often points to infections, injuries, or water quality issues, making a Pleco’s eyes appear milky or hazy.
How to Treat:
- Immediate Water Assessment: Elevated nitrate levels can cause this. Ensure they’re below 40 ppm with regular testing.
- Eye Medication: Over-the-counter treatments, like melafix, can help. Apply as per bottle instructions, typically 5ml per 10 gallons.
- Reduce Sharp Decor: Ensure there aren’t sharp edges on decorations. Rounded, smooth-surfaced objects can prevent eye injuries.
- UV Sterilizers: Installing UV sterilizers in tanks larger than 50 gallons can reduce bacterial and viral loads, benefiting eye health.
18. Scratching Against Objects
When Plecos constantly rub or scratch, they might be experiencing “ich” or other irritations.
How to Treat:
- Ich Treatment: If white spots accompany scratching, treat with copper-based medications, using about 5 mg per liter of water.
- Water Quality Review: Elevated ammonia can cause itchiness. Regularly check and maintain it near zero levels, adjusting with water changes.
- Decoration Inspection: Ensure no decor releases irritants. For instance, avoid untreated driftwood which can sometimes leach harmful substances.
- Provide Soft Surfaces: Offer soft-leaved plants or smooth stones. Plecos can find relief by rubbing against these without harm.
19. Bulging Eyes

Also known as “pop-eye”, it’s usually caused by bacterial infections, injuries, or water quality issues.
How to Treat:
- Anti-Bacterial Medications: Consider broad-spectrum treatments like kanamycin. Typically, use about 250mg for every 20 gallons of water.
- Monitor Water Conditions: Elevated nitrate can be a cause. Regular water changes and keeping nitrate below 40 ppm can help.
- Tank Mate Surveillance: Some aggressive fish might nip or harass Plecos. Separate them if they continually target the Pleco’s eyes.
- Salt Baths: Prepare a short bath with 1-2 tsp of aquarium salt per gallon. Let the Pleco soak for 20-30 minutes, monitoring closely.
What Are the Primary Causes of Stress in Plecos?
Stress in Plecos typically originates from environmental factors and imbalances in their habitat.
These bottom-dwelling fish, while hardy, are sensitive to abrupt changes and poor living conditions.
- Water Quality: Plecos thrive in clean water. A spike in ammonia or nitrite, beyond 0.2 mg/L, can stress them significantly.
- Tank Size: A cramped tank can be stressful. For common Plecos, a 55-gallon tank is minimum, but larger species require even more space.
- Incompatible Tank Mates: Plecos can be bullied by aggressive fish. Ensure they aren’t housed with notorious fin-nippers like some cichlids.
- Temperature Fluctuations: Plecos prefer a stable 74-80°F. Rapid changes, more than 2-3°F in 24 hours, can cause undue stress.

How Can I Differentiate Between Normal Pleco Behavior and Signs of Stress?
Normal Pleco behavior includes scavenging for food, resting, and occasionally hiding.
However, when these activities become excessive or are coupled with other symptoms, it indicates stress.
- Activity Patterns: While Plecos are nocturnal, constantly hiding even at night suggests stress or discomfort.
- Physical Changes: Healthy Plecos have clear eyes and smooth fins. Cloudy eyes or clamped fins are clear stress indicators.
- Feeding Habits: It’s normal for Plecos to graze on algae. Refusing food like algae wafers for days indicates potential stress.
- Movement Patterns: Regularly scouring the tank bottom is standard. Erratic swimming or constantly reaching the surface suggests something’s amiss.
Are There Long-Term Consequences if Stress in Plecos Is Untreated?
Yes, prolonged stress in Plecos can lead to severe health issues and even shorten their lifespan.
Continuous stress weakens their immune system, making them more susceptible to diseases and infections.
- Susceptibility to Diseases: Stressed Plecos can easily contract illnesses like fin rot or ich, which can be lethal if untreated.
- Stunted Growth: Chronic stress affects a Pleco’s metabolism. In such cases, they might not reach their full size, even in suitable tanks.
- Reproductive Issues: Stressed Plecos, especially females, may face difficulty breeding or may produce fewer, less viable eggs.
- Behavioral Changes: Over time, chronic stress can make Plecos either overly aggressive or unusually withdrawn, affecting their well-being.
Also Read: Pleco Fish Diseases

Can a Stressed Pleco Fully Recover?
Yes, with proper care and adjustments to their environment, a stressed Pleco can bounce back to its healthy state.
However, the recovery process might require time, patience, and keen observation.
- Timely Intervention: The sooner you identify and address the stress factors, the higher the Pleco’s chances of full recovery.
- Quality Diet: Offering a balanced diet, including algae wafers and occasional fresh veggies, can help Plecos regain their strength.
- Medications & Treatments: For illnesses caused by stress, medications like anti-parasitics can be essential, with dosage depending on the Pleco’s size.
- Regular Monitoring: Post-stress, closely observe the Pleco’s behavior and health for weeks to ensure complete recovery.
Also Read: Pleco Fish Facts

For quick readers, here’s a short recap:
- Plecos exhibit stress symptoms like reduced appetite, lethargy, excessive hiding, erratic swimming, and frequent surfacing.
- The primary causes of stress in Plecos include poor water quality, cramped tanks, aggressive tank mates, and rapid temperature fluctuations.
- Normal Pleco behavior involves scavenging, resting, and occasional hiding; deviations from these patterns, such as continuous hiding, can indicate stress.
- Prolonged stress in Plecos can lead to diseases, stunted growth, reproductive issues, and behavioral changes, affecting their overall well-being.
- With proper care, including timely interventions, a balanced diet, appropriate treatments, and close observation, a stressed Pleco can fully recover.