As I got my first Tiger shrimp, I was very excited. The first question I had was whether I could grow other types of shrimp with that particular wonderful species. As it turns out, the answer is yes, and the variety is quite impressive.
Tiger shrimp can live with Cherry, Amano, Ghost, Bamboo, and Blue Velvet shrimp. These are considered peaceful and present similar size and water requirements to Tiger shrimp. On the other hand, one should avoid species like Green Lace and Whisker shrimp, which are difficult to keep.
As we move forward, I will share four tips to help you promote your shrimp colony. Following the recommendations below will prevent conflicts in your tank and will probably prolong the lifespan of your shrimp.

What Shrimp Can Live With Tiger Shrimp?
Finding shrimp that can live with Tiger shrimp isn’t that difficult, especially if your target is the Caridina cantonensis species. Caridina cantonensis is a freshwater Tiger shrimp. On the other hand, Penaeus monodon is a saltwater Tiger shrimp.[1]
Caridina cantonensis is a non-aggressive creature that is not particularly difficult to care for. If you want to find shrimp that can live with Tiger shrimp, the first step would be identifying equally non-aggressive species. You should also target shrimp with a different genus from Caridina cantonensis.
Shrimp with a different genus will not interbreed.[2] You don’t want shrimp to interbreed because the resulting hybrids are generally inferior to the parents. Some suitable companions for Tiger shrimp include:
1. Red Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi)
Red Cherry shrimp will not crossbreed with Tiger shrimp. They can also survive in water with the same temperature and pH as Tiger shrimp. This makes red Cherry shrimp suitable companions for Tiger shrimp.
They are somewhat sensitive to changes in their parameters, but that doesn’t make them particularly challenging to keep, especially if you know what you’re doing.
They do not have a reputation for attacking their neighbors, which means they are not a threat to your Tiger shrimp. You don’t have to worry about keeping both species in the same tank.

2. Amano Shrimp (Caridina multidentata)
Amano shrimp can coexist with most other shrimp. That includes Tiger shrimp. They have similar pH and temperature requirements. As omnivores, you can also give Amano shrimp the same food items that Tiger shrimp eat.
Mealtimes shouldn’t present a challenge. Amano shrimp are not only beautiful, but they are peaceful. They do not act aggressively towards other shrimp. It is also worth noting that they are better algae eaters than Tiger shrimp.

3. Ghost Shrimp (Palaemonetes paludosus)
Ghost shrimp are similar to Amano shrimp in the sense that they can coexist with most other shrimp. They live within the same pH and temperature range as Tiger shrimp, so you don’t have to drastically alter the parameters in your Tiger shrimp tank to accommodate the Ghost shrimp.
Not only are they non-aggressive, but they are social. They are happiest in tanks that only have shrimp. In the wild, they live in groups. Therefore, they will respond positively to the presence of Tiger shrimp.

4. Bamboo Shrimp (Atyopsis moluccensis)
Bamboo shrimp are peaceful. They stand out because of their size. But they are too gentle to intimidate their neighbors. They have the same temperature and pH requirements as Tiger shrimp, which tells you that both creatures can live in the same tank.
Tiger shrimp are counted among the best tankmates for a bamboo shrimp, along with Ghost and Amano shrimp. Your Tiger shrimp have nothing to fear from a bamboo shrimp.

5. Blue Velvet Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi var. Blue)
Blue Velvet shrimp have a lot in common with red Cherry shrimp. Both species emerged from the same wild type. But the Blue Velvet shrimp are a different color. Their parameters are compatible with those found in a Tiger shrimp tank. They also eat the same food.
Caring for a Blue Velvet shrimp won’t differ that drastically from looking after a Tiger shrimp. Blue Velvet shrimp are neither aggressive nor violent.[3] So they are not likely to attack your Tiger shrimp.

What Shrimp Can’t Live With Tiger Shrimp?
Most freshwater shrimp are peaceful. They can coexist with one another. But that description doesn’t apply to every single shrimp. Some types of shrimp would make very poor additions to a Tiger shrimp tank, with the most prominent including:
1. Crystal Shrimp (Caridina cantonensis)
The presence of crystal shrimp on this list might surprise some people because crystal shrimp are social. They can live with other shrimp. They are also quite beautiful; you can find them in a variety of colors and patterns.
But they are tricky. They are susceptible, and that makes them somewhat expensive to care for.[4] You shouldn’t keep them in a community tank because they won’t appreciate the large water changes a community tank requires.
But before you argue that you can simply keep the creatures in an aquarium with only Tiger shrimp, bear in mind that their scientific name is Caridina cantonensis. They have the same genus and species as Tiger shrimp.
That means that crystal red shrimp can interbreed with their Tiger shrimp neighbors. You don’t want that to happen because the offspring are normally inferior and not viable. Though, there are exceptions.
For instance, you can get the Tiger Bee shrimp by crossbreeding Crystal and Tiger shrimp. You can produce similar results by crossing the Taiwan Bee shrimp with a Tiger shrimp.[5]
Therefore, if you don’t mind interbreeding, you are free to add Taiwan bee and crystal shrimp to your tank. If you don’t want to interbreed, keep both of them out of your Tiger shrimp tank.
2. Black King Kong Shrimp (Caridina cantonensis)
This type is similar to Crystal Red Shrimp because it is rare, valuable, and challenging to keep.[6] They will make your Tiger shrimp tank more challenging to maintain because of their sensitivity.
Even experienced aquarists may struggle with them, so they are not worth the hassle for beginners. Wine red shrimp will present a similar challenge.[7] With Baubalti shrimp, your biggest concern is stress.
They are very sensitive to negative stimuli, so much so that they tend to die during shipping. Unless you are willing to do the work to keep them happy and healthy, you should avoid them as well.
3. Indian Whisker Shrimp (Macrobrachium lamarrei)
With this type, it isn’t a question of whether or not you have the experience to care for them. Indian Whisker shrimp is one of the few shrimp types that have aggressive attributes.
If you think your Tiger shrimp are safe with them, you should know that Indian whisker shrimp have attacked and killed larger fish.
Therefore, they are a clear and present threat to Tiger shrimp. They have no interest in algae, so you cannot argue that you need them to clean your tank. They should not live with Tiger shrimp.
4. Green Lace Shrimp (Atyopsis pilipes)
Green lace shrimp can live with Tiger shrimp. They are only problematic because their eggs need salt or brackish water to hatch. If you don’t want to breed green lace shrimp, this won’t matter to you. The creatures are peaceful.
How Do I Grow Tiger Shrimp With Other Shrimp?
If you want your Tiger shrimp to survive in a tank with other shrimp, you must keep them happy. Consider the following:
1. Setting Thr Right Water Parameters
Tiger shrimp require a pH of 6.5-7.5 and a temperature of 76 degrees F to 78 degrees F. You have to create and then maintain these conditions in the tank. That means installing a heater.
Do not rely on the ambient temperature. While it is possible to successfully rear shrimp in a tank that doesn’t have a heater, a heater gives you more control.
Keep testing kits on hand so that you can check and then alter the pH and hardness accordingly. The wrong parameters will make your Tiger shrimp sick. If you allow the wrong parameters to persist, the shrimp will die.
I personally use the API Aquarium Water Master Test Kit (link to Amazon). That bundle accurately measures your pH, ammonia, nitrates, and nitrites. It also lasts for hundreds of measures, making it highly cost-effective.
As was mentioned earlier, the ideal pH for Tiger shrimp falls between 6.5 and 7.5. The ammonia and nitrites should be kept at 0 ppm, while nitrates are kept below 20 ppm. That also applies to the Tiger shrimp companions.
2. Feeding Your Tiger Shrimp Properly
Tiger shrimp are not fussy eaters and will eat any fish food you have on hand. That includes algae wafers and blanched spinach. Don’t forget that they eat algae, so you don’t have to feed them three times a day like fish.
Some aquarists feed their shrimp every day. Others will feed them once a week. Ultimately, it depends on the volume of algae and biofilm in a tank.
Shrimp do not require as much feeding in a community tank because it has plenty of algae, leftovers, and detritus. You don’t have to follow any particular formula. You should base your feeding habits on the makeup of your tank.
Also, try not to rely on fish food for your shrimp. Regular pellets are often less nutritious and tend to float. That is why I use these Fluval Shrimp Granules (link to Amazon). They also contain a multivitamin supplement, so your shrimp will remain healthy and live longer.
3. Maintaining A Clean Tank
Tiger shrimp eat algae and detritus. For the most part, they are tank cleaners. But that doesn’t absolve you of your duty to clean their tank. Don’t be so quick to assume that the shrimp can keep their tank clean without your help.
You have to perform regular water changes. Otherwise, toxins like ammonia will become a problem. Install a filter. You can’t expect the shrimp to eat everything.
The filter will catch all the other pollutants that the shrimp either can’t or won’t eat. Don’t forget to remove leftovers and dead or decaying organisms. Shrimp and snails are supposed to eat these things.
But if your population of Tiger shrimp is too small to consume the leftovers at a rapid rate, they will decay, corrupting the water. Dead and decaying plants and animals are the same. Remove them before they become a threat.
A couple of months ago, I got the Hygger Aquarium Gravel Cleaner (link to Amazon). That unique device does a wonderful job of sucking up gunk that is otherwise hard to clean. It will save you tons of time and hassle.
4. Picking The Right Tankmates
If you want your Tiger shrimp to live in a community aquarium, vet their tankmates. Do not pair them with creatures that will either eat them or make their lives so miserable that the stress will eventually kill them.
Find peaceful species that can coexist with shrimp, such as nerite snails, mystery snails, Kuhli loaches, and Otocinclus catfish, to mention but a few.
Tiger shrimp cannot defend themselves against larger, violent fish. You can easily keep them happy by removing potential bullies such as cichlids from their environment.
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- What Shrimp Can Live With Cherry Shrimp? (With 5 Examples)
- What Shrimp Can Live With Ghost Shrimp? (With 5 Examples)
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Tiger shrimp are somewhat sensitive to poor water quality. They can survive in tanks with other shrimp, but they need help to live long and happy lives. Without the proper parameters, they will eventually either fall ill or die.
However, if the water quality is suitable, Tiger shrimp will happily coexist with most other shrimp. That includes species like Cherry, Ghost, and Amano shrimp. As long as you can prove that your tank is clean and stable, you should be able to keep all the creatures alive and well.