Oscar fish have earned a special place in the hearts of freshwater aquarium enthusiasts. Their stunning beauty makes them a top choice.
But, here’s the thing: when it comes to sharing a tank, which fish can get along swimmingly with Oscars? How do you pick the right companions and are there any you should definitely avoid?
After years of learning from trial and error, I’ve gained a deep understanding of Oscar companionship.
In this article, I’ll share wisdom from both successes and mishaps, giving you real insights. Let’s dive right into it.
Also Read: Oscar Fish Care Guide

How To Choose Tank Mates For Oscar Fish
There are five central factors to consider when it comes to choosing tank mates for Oscar fish:
1. Understanding Water Conditions
Oscar fish thrive in specific water conditions, and it’s essential to choose tank mates with similar requirements to ensure a harmonious environment.
To ensure a thriving Oscar tank, one must take water conditions into utmost consideration.
- pH Levels: Oscars prefer a pH range of 6.0 to 8.0. Tank mates should thrive within this range to prevent constant water adjustments.
- Temperature: Oscar fish thrive at 74°F to 81°F (23°C to 27°C). Tank mates should have a similar temperature preference to ensure comfort for all.
- Water Hardness: Soft to moderately hard water is ideal for Oscars. Choosing tank mates with similar water hardness requirements avoids complications.
- Ammonia and Nitrite Levels: A stable nitrogen cycle, with near-zero ammonia and nitrite, is critical. Ensure that chosen tank mates won’t disrupt this balance.
- Water Cleanliness: Oscar fish produce a significant amount of waste. Tank mates should be chosen that can either tolerate or help manage waste levels.

2. Behavioral Traits
Each fish species has its unique behavioral traits. When choosing Oscar tank mates, one must consider their behavior and how it complements or conflicts with the Oscar’s nature.
- Aggression Level: Oscar fish can be aggressive. Select tank mates that can stand their ground without causing constant conflict.
- Activity Level: Oscars are moderately active. Tank mates shouldn’t be too passive or hyperactive to maintain balance.
- Nocturnal vs. Diurnal: Understand if the potential tank mate is nocturnal or diurnal to ensure both get their active time without disturbing the other.
- Schooling Behavior: Some fish prefer to school, whereas Oscar fish are more solitary. Ensure the schooling fish have enough numbers to feel secure.
- Social Nature: Oscars can be territorial. Tank mates should either respect the Oscar’s space or be sociable without being invasive.
3. Size Matters
The size of potential tank mates is a major consideration, as Oscars can grow quite large and might see smaller fish as food.
Introducing appropriately sized tank mates ensures safety for all fish.
- Minimum Size: Tank mates should ideally be at least half the size of the Oscar to avoid becoming prey.
- Growth Rate: Faster growing fish might outgrow the Oscar, potentially leading to territorial disputes.
- Maximum Size: While Oscars can reach up to 12-14 inches, tank mates should not significantly exceed this size to avoid space issues.
- Body Shape: Fish with long, flowing fins might be tempting targets for Oscars. Opt for fish with sturdier body shapes.
- Spatial Needs: Larger fish require more swimming space. Ensure the aquarium size is appropriate for all its inhabitants.

4. Dietary Requirements
Oscars have specific dietary needs, and so do potential tank mates. Ensuring all fish receive the right nutrients is key to a healthy aquarium.
Proper understanding of dietary needs prevents malnutrition and related issues.
- Protein Intake: Oscar fish are primarily carnivorous. Tank mates should have similar protein requirements to avoid competition.
- Feeding Frequency: Oscars often eat 2-3 times a day. Ensure tank mates have similar feeding frequencies to maintain harmony during feeding times.
- Type of Food: While Oscars prefer meaty foods, some tank mates might be herbivorous. Provide varied diets without one disrupting the other.
- Feeding Behavior: Some fish are surface feeders, while Oscars often feed mid-water. Ensure that food reaches all levels of the tank.
- Special Dietary Needs: Be wary of tank mates with very specific dietary needs, ensuring they can be met without disrupting the Oscar’s diet.
Also Read: How To Feed Oscar Fish
5. Territorial Needs
Territory is essential for many fish species, including Oscar fish. Respect for territorial boundaries ensures a peaceful tank environment.
Proper territory management prevents unnecessary skirmishes and stress.
- Established Territories: Oscar fish will establish their territory. Tank mates should have clear boundaries to avoid disputes.
- Hiding Spaces: Offering hiding spots like caves or plants allows tank mates to retreat and helps Oscars feel secure.
- Tank Size: Oscars need ample space. Ensure the tank is large enough to accommodate the territories of all fish.
- Tank Layout: Design the tank layout to provide visual barriers, helping reduce confrontations.
- Frequency of Encounters: Minimize stress by selecting tank mates that don’t frequently invade the Oscar’s personal space.

Best 19 Tank Mates For Oscar Fish
Considering these factors, let’s see which are the best species to keep with Oscar fish:
Fish Species | Compatibility Score |
Bristlenose Plecos | 9/10 |
Silver Dollars | 9/10 |
Severums | 9/10 |
Convict Cichlids | 8/10 |
Firemouth Cichlids | 8/10 |
Synodontis Catfish | 8/10 |
Clown Loaches | 7/10 |
Electric Blue Acaras | 7/10 |
Green Terrors | 7/10 |
Giant Gouramis | 7/10 |
Jaguar Cichlids | 7/10 |
Texas Cichlids | 7/10 |
Geophagus species | 7/10 |
Rope Fish | 7/10 |
Black Ghost Knife Fish | 7/10 |
Striped Raphael Catfish | 7/10 |
Salvini Cichlids | 6/10 |
Red Devil Cichlids | 6/10 |
Chocolate Cichlids | 6/10 |
1. Bristlenose Plecos

- Scientific Name: Ancistrus sp.
- Temperature: 60-80°F (15-27°C)
- pH: 6.5-7.5
- Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
- Adult Size: 4-6 inches
- Recommended School Size: Solitary
- Care Level: Easy
- Compatibility: 9/10
- Comments: Its bottom-dwelling nature and algae-eating habits make it a great companion for Oscars.
Bristlenose Plecos thrive in similar water conditions as Oscars, including temperature and pH preferences.
They are bottom dwellers and are more passive, mostly keeping to themselves and staying out of the Oscar’s way.
Given their size, typically around 4-6 inches, they are not seen as prey by the Oscar. Their primary diet consists of algae and detritus, so there’s little dietary competition with Oscars.
Also Read: Can Oscar Fish And Plecos Live Together?
2. Silver Dollars

- Scientific Name: Metynnis argenteus
- Temperature: 75-82°F (24-28°C)
- pH: 6.0-7.5
- Minimum Tank Size: 55 gallons
- Adult Size: 6 inches
- Recommended School Size: Group of 5 or more
- Care Level: Intermediate
- Compatibility: 9/10
- Comments: Peaceful and fast swimmers, but require a spacious tank.
Silver Dollars are native to similar South American waters as Oscar fish, ensuring congruent water conditions.
These fish are peaceful by nature, schooling in groups which can be a spectacular sight alongside the vibrant Oscar.
Reaching sizes of up to 6 inches, they’re large enough to coexist without being targeted as food. Being mostly herbivorous, their diet won’t compete with the carnivorous Oscar.
Also Read: Can Oscar Fish And Silver Dollars Live Together?
3. Severums

- Scientific Name: Heros efasciatus
- Temperature: 72-84°F (22-29°C)
- pH: 6.0-7.5
- Minimum Tank Size: 55 gallons
- Adult Size: 8 inches
- Recommended School Size: Pairs or solitary
- Care Level: Intermediate
- Compatibility: 9/10
- Comments: Peaceful cichlid that requires hiding spots and can coexist with Oscars.
Like Oscars, Severums appreciate water conditions that are slightly acidic to neutral.
They are generally peaceful cichlids, but their size (up to 8 inches) ensures they aren’t bullied by Oscars.
Both species have similar carnivorous tendencies, though Severums can be more omnivorous, which can help in dietary differentiation.
Both species being cichlids, they are territorial, so adequate space and hiding spots are essential to prevent clashes.
Also Read: Can Oscar Fish And Severums Live Together?
4. Convict Cichlids

- Scientific Name: Amatitlania nigrofasciata
- Temperature: 70-82°F (21-28°C)
- pH: 6.6-7.8
- Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
- Adult Size: 4-5 inches
- Recommended School Size: Pairs
- Care Level: Easy
- Compatibility: 8/10
- Comments: They can be aggressive, especially when breeding, but generally compatible.
Convicts share the same water conditions as Oscars, making it easier to balance the tank’s needs. Behaviorally, while smaller than Oscars, they are feisty and can stand their ground.
Growing up to 5 inches, their size makes them sturdy tank mates without posing a threat to Oscars or being seen as prey.
They are omnivores, so providing a varied diet is essential, but their dietary needs won’t conflict heavily with those of Oscar fish.
Also Read: Can Oscar Fish And Convict Cichlids Live Together?
5. Firemouth Cichlids

- Scientific Name: Thorichthys meeki
- Temperature: 75-86°F (24-30°C)
- pH: 6.5-8.0
- Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
- Adult Size: 6 inches
- Recommended School Size: Pairs
- Care Level: Intermediate
- Compatibility: 8/10
- Comments: Territorial but generally peaceful if given enough space.
Native to Central America, Firemouth Cichlids adapt well to water conditions favored by Oscars.
Though they can be territorial, their behavior isn’t overly aggressive, allowing a peaceful coexistence given enough space.
A fully-grown Firemouth reaches about 6 inches, which, paired with their feisty nature, prevents them from being easy targets.
They enjoy a mixed diet of plant material and small creatures, making them somewhat complementary to the Oscar’s feeding habits.
Also Read: Can Oscar Fish And Firemouth Cichlids Live Together?
6. Synodontis Catfish

- Scientific Name: Synodontis spp.
- Temperature: 75-81°F (24-27°C)
- pH: 6.5-7.5
- Minimum Tank Size: 50 gallons
- Adult Size: Varies, up to 10 inches for some species
- Recommended School Size: Solitary or groups, depending on species
- Care Level: Intermediate
- Compatibility: 8/10
- Comments: Bottom dwellers with a peaceful nature, compatible with larger tankmates like Oscars.
Synodontis Catfish prefer similar tropical water conditions, aligning well with Oscar requirements.
Being nocturnal, their active periods don’t clash with the Oscar’s, reducing potential conflicts.
Their size varies by species, but many grow large enough (often 8-12 inches) to comfortably share space with Oscars.
While they are omnivores, their bottom-dwelling nature ensures they clean up any uneaten food, making them beneficial tank mates without dietary competition with Oscars.
7. Clown Loaches

- Scientific Name: Chromobotia macracanthus
- Temperature: 75-86°F (24-30°C)
- pH: 6.0-7.5
- Minimum Tank Size: 55 gallons
- Adult Size: 12 inches
- Recommended School Size: Group of 5 or more
- Care Level: Intermediate
- Compatibility: 7/10
- Comments: Peaceful and active but require a spacious tank due to their adult size.
Clown Loaches thrive in tropical water conditions similar to Oscars.
They have a peaceful temperament and tend to school when young, which can act as a deterrent against any potential Oscar aggression.
Mature Clown Loaches can grow up to 12 inches, a size that resonates well with full-grown Oscars.
They’re omnivorous, but their preference for bottom-dwelling invertebrates ensures minimal dietary competition with Oscars.
8. Electric Blue Acaras

- Scientific Name: Andinoacara pulcher
- Temperature: 72-82°F (22-28°C)
- pH: 6.5-8.0
- Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
- Adult Size: 6-7 inches
- Recommended School Size: Pairs or solitary
- Care Level: Intermediate
- Compatibility: 7/10
- Comments: Generally peaceful cichlid that can thrive with Oscars given sufficient space.
Electric Blue Acaras appreciate the same water parameters that Oscars do, making tank maintenance relatively straightforward.
While they are generally peaceful, they’re also robust, enabling them to hold their own against an Oscar. Reaching sizes of around 6-7 inches, they’re not easy targets for Oscars.
Their diet, being omnivorous, can be adjusted to complement that of the Oscar, preventing feeding competition.
9. Green Terrors

- Scientific Name: Andinoacara rivulatus
- Temperature: 68-77°F (20-25°C)
- pH: 6.5-8.0
- Minimum Tank Size: 50 gallons
- Adult Size: 12 inches
- Recommended School Size: Solitary or pairs
- Care Level: Intermediate
- Compatibility: 7/10
- Comments: Can be territorial and aggressive but may coexist with equally robust tankmates like Oscars.
Originating from similar South American waters, Green Terrors share Oscar’s water condition preferences.
As their name suggests, they can be aggressive, but this assertiveness can actually make them suitable Oscar companions since neither species is likely to dominate the other.
Mature Green Terrors can grow up to 8 inches, ensuring they coexist as equals with Oscars.
Being carnivorous, they share a similar diet with Oscars, so providing ample food is crucial to avoid competition.
10. Giant Gouramis

- Scientific Name: Osphronemus goramy
- Temperature: 72-82°F (22-28°C)
- pH: 6.0-8.0
- Minimum Tank Size: 150 gallons (given their potential size)
- Adult Size: Up to 28 inches, though often around 24 inches in captivity
- Recommended School Size: Solitary or pairs; they can become territorial with their own kind as they age.
- Care Level: Intermediate
- Compatibility: 7/10
- Comments: Giant Gouramis can coexist with Oscars in spacious tanks due to their generally peaceful nature.
These fish are adaptable and can live in a variety of water conditions, making them compatible with Oscars.
Giant Gouramis have a calm demeanor, but given their significant size, reaching up to 24 inches, they are not easily intimidated by Oscars.
They are omnivores, feeding on both plants and small aquatic animals, so there won’t be much dietary competition with the carnivorous Oscar.
However, due to their size, they demand a spacious tank.
11. Jaguar Cichlids

- Scientific Name: Parachromis managuensis
- Temperature: 75-80°F (24-27°C)
- pH: 7.0-8.7
- Minimum Tank Size: 70 gallons
- Adult Size: 14-16 inches
- Recommended School Size: Solitary
- Care Level: Advanced
- Compatibility: 7/10
- Comments: Highly aggressive but might be paired with Oscars in spacious environments with hiding spots.
The Jaguar Cichlid appreciates similar water conditions to the Oscar, favoring tropical temperatures and a slightly acidic to neutral pH.
Their aggressive and territorial nature can be a double-edged sword; while it means they won’t be pushed around by an Oscar, it also demands a large enough tank to establish territories.
Growing up to 14 inches, they are on par with Oscars in terms of size. Both species are carnivorous, requiring ample space and food to prevent competition.
12. Texas Cichlids

- Scientific Name: Herichthys cyanoguttatus
- Temperature: 70-75°F (21-24°C)
- pH: 6.5-8.0
- Minimum Tank Size: 55 gallons
- Adult Size: 12 inches
- Recommended School Size: Solitary or pairs
- Care Level: Intermediate
- Compatibility: 7/10
- Comments: Known to be territorial; proper tank management is crucial when kept with Oscars.
Texas Cichlids are adaptable to the water conditions that Oscars thrive in.
They have a robust and assertive nature, which means they can fend for themselves when kept with Oscars.
These cichlids can grow up to 12 inches, ensuring that they are seen as companions rather than prey by Oscars.
With a primarily omnivorous diet, they can be fed a mix of foods, minimizing direct competition with the carnivorous preferences of Oscar fish.
13. Geophagus species

- Scientific Name: Geophagus spp.
- Temperature: 77-86°F (25-30°C)
- pH: 6.5-7.5
- Minimum Tank Size: 50 gallons
- Adult Size: Varies by species, typically around 8 inches
- Recommended School Size: Groups of 5 or more
- Care Level: Intermediate
- Compatibility: 7/10
- Comments: Peaceful eartheaters that typically won’t compete with Oscars for territory.
Members of the Geophagus genus thrive in South American waters like Oscars, ensuring similar water condition preferences.
They’re generally peaceful, mostly focusing on sifting the substrate for food, thus staying out of the Oscar’s primary swimming zones.
While sizes can vary, many Geophagus species can grow up to 10 inches.
Being omnivorous, they feed on small organisms and detritus, which means there’s minimal dietary overlap with Oscars.
14. Rope Fish

- Scientific Name: Erpetoichthys calabaricus
- Temperature: 72-82°F (22-28°C)
- pH: 6.5-7.5
- Minimum Tank Size: 55 gallons
- Adult Size: 15-20 inches
- Recommended School Size: Group of 3 or more
- Care Level: Intermediate
- Compatibility: 7/10
- Comments: Primarily bottom dwellers and tend to be shy, needing hiding spots; generally peaceful with Oscars.
Rope Fish, with their prehistoric appearance, require similar tropical water conditions as Oscars.
Being nocturnal, their active periods differ from Oscars, reducing the chance of confrontations.
They can grow up to 20 inches, making them a compatible size. Their diet consists mainly of small invertebrates, ensuring complementary feeding habits with Oscar fish.
15. Black Ghost Knife Fish

- Scientific Name: Apteronotus albifrons
- Temperature: 73-82°F (23-28°C)
- pH: 6.0-8.0
- Minimum Tank Size: 100 gallons
- Adult Size: 20 inches
- Recommended School Size: Solitary
- Care Level: Advanced
- Compatibility: 7/10
- Comments: Peaceful and nocturnal, they require hiding spots; can coexist with Oscars if given space.
Native to the same Amazonian waters as Oscar fish, they share water condition preferences.
They are peaceful and mostly nocturnal, utilizing a unique electric field to navigate, and usually stay out of an Oscar’s way.
Growing up to 20 inches, their elongated size ensures they aren’t seen as prey.
While they are carnivorous, their preference for live foods like small worms and crustaceans minimizes competition with Oscars.
16. Striped Raphael Catfish

- Scientific Name: Platydoras armatulus
- Temperature: 68-77°F (20-25°C)
- pH: 5.5-7.5
- Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
- Adult Size: 7-8 inches
- Recommended School Size: Solitary or in pairs
- Care Level: Easy
- Compatibility: 7/10
- Comments: Peaceful bottom dwellers; their tough armor protects them from potential Oscar nips.
These catfish thrive in similar water conditions to Oscars.
Being bottom dwellers with a tough exterior, they tend to keep to themselves and are resilient against any potential Oscar curiosity.
A fully grown Striped Raphael can reach about 8 inches. As omnivores, they help clean up leftover food from the substrate, complementing the Oscar’s diet.
17. Salvini Cichlids

- Scientific Name: Trichromis salvini
- Temperature: 72-75°F (22-24°C)
- pH: 7.0-8.0
- Minimum Tank Size: 50 gallons
- Adult Size: 8.5 inches
- Recommended School Size: Solitary or pairs
- Care Level: Intermediate
- Compatibility: 6/10
- Comments: Known for their aggression, especially during breeding; careful monitoring needed when with Oscars.
Like Oscars, Salvinis thrive in Central American water conditions.
They are quite territorial and can be aggressive, so they need sufficient space to establish their own domain within the tank.
Salvini Cichlids grow to about 8-9 inches. Being carnivorous, they share dietary preferences with Oscars, which calls for sufficient feeding to minimize competition.
18. Red Devil Cichlids

- Scientific Name: Amphilophus labiatus
- Temperature: 75-79°F (24-26°C)
- pH: 6.5-7.5
- Minimum Tank Size: 55 gallons
- Adult Size: 12-15 inches
- Recommended School Size: Solitary
- Care Level: Advanced
- Compatibility: 6/10
- Comments: Highly territorial and aggressive; a spacious tank with plenty of hiding spots is crucial when housed with Oscars.
Red Devils prefer the same type of tropical water conditions as Oscars.
Known for their aggressive nature, a spacious tank is essential to ensure each fish can establish its territory.
Growing up to 15 inches, they are quite substantial, making them less likely to be bullied by Oscars.
As carnivores, their diet is similar to that of the Oscar, so careful feeding schedules are crucial.
19. Chocolate Cichlids

- Scientific Name: Hypselecara temporalis
- Temperature: 72-82°F (22-28°C)
- pH: 6.0-8.0
- Minimum Tank Size: 75 gallons
- Adult Size: 8-12 inches
- Recommended School Size: Pairs or solitary
- Care Level: Intermediate
- Compatibility: 6/10
- Comments: Generally peaceful with a mild temperament; can thrive alongside Oscars with enough space.
Originating from the Amazon Basin, Chocolate Cichlids share Oscar’s water condition preferences. They are generally peaceful, but they can stand their ground when necessary.
Reaching sizes of 8-10 inches, they provide good companionship for Oscars.
Being omnivorous, they have a diverse diet, but it can be adjusted to complement the Oscar’s dietary needs.
Also Read: Can Oscar Fish Live With Turtles?
Fish Species To Avoid In An Oscar Fish Aquarium
A few common species shouldn’t be kept with Oscar fish for multiple reasons. Here’s what you should know:
1. Guppies

Guppies are colorful, small, and active, making them a captivating choice for many aquarists. However, in an Oscar tank, they are easy prey.
- Size Disadvantage: Guppies usually grow to a mere 1-2 inches, making them easy targets for Oscar fish.
- Bright Colors: Their vibrant hues attract unwanted attention from predatory Oscars.
- Active Behavior: Their constant movement can be tempting for an Oscar’s predatory instincts.
2. Neon Tetras

Neon Tetras are popular for their striking blue and red colors. Yet, they’re unsuitable companions for Oscars due to their size and behavior.
- Tiny Stature: Neons typically reach just over 1 inch in length, making them potential Oscar snacks.
- Grouping Habit: They school together, which might look like a moving feast for Oscar fish.
- Vivid Appearance: Their bright colors can stimulate the Oscar’s hunting drive.
3. Mollies

Mollies, slightly bigger than the previous species, still face danger in an Oscar-dominated tank.
- Intermediate Size: While larger than guppies or tetras, mollies still average around 3-4 inches.
- Less Agile: Compared to smaller species, they might not evade Oscar fish as efficiently.
- Varied Colors: Their diverse color variations could attract Oscar’s predatory attention.
4. Zebra Danios

Known for their speed and striking stripes, Zebra Danios are still not a good match for Oscar fish.
- Fast But Vulnerable: They’re quick, but their 2-inch size makes them susceptible to Oscar predation.
- Visible Patterns: The striped pattern can draw an Oscar’s eye.
- Surface Swimmers: They often swim near the water’s surface, a region frequently patrolled by Oscars.
5. Cherry Barbs

Cherry Barbs bring color to tanks but pose risks in Oscar environments.
- Small Scale: Averaging at 2 inches, their size makes them potential prey.
- Vibrant Red: Their red coloration can make them stand out to Oscars.
- Shoaling Fish: Being in groups might not offer them protection against a larger Oscar fish.
Also Read: Oscar Fish Fry Care
6. Angelfish

Despite being cichlids like Oscars, Angelfish are more delicate and can be bullied.
- Delicate Fins: Their long, flowing fins can be targets for nipping by Oscar fish.
- Slower Movements: Their graceful swimming can’t match Oscar’s quick lunges.
- Territorial Clashes: Both species are territorial, leading to potential conflicts.
Also Read: Can Angelfish And Oscars Live Together?
7. Betta

Known for their aggression, Bettas still aren’t a match for the size and strength of Oscar fish.
- Fin Nipping: Oscars might be attracted to Betta’s elaborate fins.
- Size Difference: Even male Bettas, at around 3 inches, are dwarfed by a full-sized Oscar.
- Aggressive Nature: Their bold behavior might invite confrontations with Oscars.
Also Read: Oscar Fish And Bettas
8. Discus Fish

Although they share Amazonian origins with Oscars, Discus are more sensitive and less aggressive.
- Stress-Prone: Discus can easily get stressed by Oscar’s boisterous behavior.
- Larger Size, Still at Risk: Even at 8-10 inches, Discus might still face aggression from Oscars.
- Dietary Sensitivity: They have specific dietary needs that might be disrupted by Oscar fish.
Also Read: Can Oscar Fish And Discus Fish Live Together?
9. Blood Parrot Cichlid

These hybrid cichlids, known for their unique shape, can face challenges with Oscars.
- Modified Mouth: Their beak-like mouths can make competitive feeding with Oscars challenging.
- Less Aggressive: While robust, they don’t match Oscar’s assertiveness.
- Size Disparity: Blood parrot cichlids are considerably smaller than Oscars.
Also Read: Can Oscar Fish And Blood Parrot Cichlids Live Together?
10. Jack Dempsey

Another cichlid, the Jack Dempsey, has a strong personality but might clash with Oscars.
- Shared Aggression: Both species have aggressive tendencies, which can lead to confrontations.
- Size Comparison: Jack Dempseys, at 8-10 inches, can still be bullied by larger Oscar fish.
- Territorial Instincts: Both species are territorial, increasing the risk of disputes.
Also Read: Can Oscar Fish And Jack Dempsey Fish Live Together?
11. Flowerhorn

Flowerhorns, with their vibrant colors and unique hump, can be territorial and aggressive.
- Aggression Matches: Both Flowerhorns and Oscar fish can be assertive, leading to potential clashes.
- Prominent Hump: The Flowerhorn’s hump can become a target for Oscar aggression.
- Competitive Behavior: Both species might compete for dominance and resources.
Also Read: Can Oscar Fish And Flowerhorns Live Together?
12. Goldfish

Cold water Goldfish are a stark contrast to tropical Oscars, making cohabitation problematic.
- Temperature Mismatch: Goldfish thrive in cooler water, while Oscar fish need tropical temperatures.
- Different Diets: Goldfish are omnivores with different dietary needs from carnivorous Oscars.
- Slow Movements: Goldfish’s leisurely pace makes them vulnerable to Oscar’s predatory instincts.
Also Read: Oscar Fish And Goldfish
13. Arowana

Arowanas, with their predatory nature and substantial size, often have territory and dietary clashes with Oscars.
- Size Issues: Arowanas can grow up to 36 inches, requiring vast spaces and potentially overwhelming Oscars.
- Surface Preference: As primarily upper-tank dwellers, Arowanas need ample surface space and often jump, risking injury.
- Dietary Competition: Both are carnivorous predators, leading to potential feeding competition and aggression.
Also Read: Can Oscar Fish And Arowana Fish Live Together?
For those of you who are just skimming through, here’s a short recap:
- Oscar fish companionship depends on factors like water conditions, behavior, size, diet, and territory.
- Tank mates like Bristlenose Plecos and Silver Dollars thrive in similar conditions and offer dietary harmony.
- Behavioral traits like aggression, activity levels, and nocturnal habits should align for peaceful coexistence.
- Size matters – tank mates should be appropriately sized to prevent predation or territorial disputes.
- Avoid species like Guppies, Neon Tetras, and Goldfish due to size, behavior, and temperature differences.