Both Oscar fish and Silver Dollars are fascinating and beautiful species. But can they coexist in the same tank?
What about the appropriate tank size for housing these two species together? And what factors should be considered concerning the tank setup and water parameters?
In this article, I will address all of these questions and more. Let’s begin.

Can I Keep Oscar Fish And Silver Dollars Together In The Same Tank?
Yes, Oscar fish and Silver Dollars can coexist in the same tank under the right conditions. However, there are important considerations to keep in mind.
Here are some reasons and precautions to consider:
- Tank Size Matters: Oscar fish can grow up to 12-14 inches, while Silver Dollars can reach 6 inches. A large tank, ideally 100+ gallons, is necessary to accommodate both species comfortably.
- Similar Temperaments: Both Oscar fish and Silver Dollars are relatively peaceful, although Oscars can become territorial. Providing ample hiding spots can help mitigate potential conflicts.
- Dietary Needs: Oscar fish are carnivores and will eat smaller fish, while Silver Dollars are primarily herbivores. Ensure the Oscar doesn’t mistake the Silver Dollar for food by keeping it well-fed with appropriate-sized meals.
- Water Conditions: Both species require similar water parameters. A pH level of 6-7.5 and a temperature of 74-81°F (23-27°C) is ideal for their cohabitation.
- Potential Stress: Silver Dollars are schooling fish and should be kept in groups of 5 or more to reduce stress. Oscar fish can sometimes bully smaller tank mates, so monitor their interactions closely.
Also Read: 19 Great Oscar Fish Tank Mates
Oscar Fish vs. Silver Dollars: Behavior
The first factor worth considering is the Oscars’ and Silver Dollars’ natural behavior. Here is what you should know:
Oscar Fish: Natural Behavior
Oscar fish are known for their unique personalities and bold nature.
They’re often dubbed the “aquatic dogs” of the fish world due to their ability to recognize their owners and their curious nature.
Here’s a closer look at the natural behavior of Oscar fish:
- Aggressive Tendencies: Oscar fish can be territorial, especially during breeding. It’s not uncommon for them to chase or nip at other fish that invade their space.
- Intelligence Display: Oscar fish are known to recognize their owners. Some hobbyists have even trained their Oscars to do simple tricks.
- Carnivorous Diet: Oscars primarily feed on smaller fish, insects, and crustaceans in the wild. This diet is reflected in the aquarium setting, where they often need a meaty diet.
- Active Swimmers: Oscars are often on the move, exploring their environment. This active behavior requires a spacious tank.
- Breeding Behavior: When breeding, Oscar fish lay eggs on flat surfaces and display strong parental instincts, often guarding their eggs and fry fiercely.

Silver Dollars: Natural Behavior
Silver Dollars are schooling fish known for their peaceful nature and herbivorous tendencies. They often move together in groups and prefer densely planted environments.
Here are some insights into the behavior of Silver Dollars:
- Schooling Nature: Silver Dollars prefer to be in groups, usually of 5 or more. This behavior helps them feel secure and reduces stress.
- Herbivorous Diet: Unlike the carnivorous Oscar fish, Silver Dollars primarily consume plant material. In aquariums, they might nibble on live plants.
- Timid Temperament: They are generally non-aggressive and tend to be shy. When threatened, they often dart away quickly.
- Active During Daytime: Silver Dollars are diurnal, being most active during the day, swimming and searching for food.
- Flat Body Adaptation: Their slim, disc-shaped bodies allow them to quickly maneuver through dense vegetation in their natural habitats, helping them avoid predators.

Ideal Parameters For Oscar Fish And Silver Dollars
Both species have specific water needs. This table summarizes the ideal parameters when Oscar fish and Silver Dollars share a tank:
Parameter | Oscar Fish | Silver Dollar | Both Types |
Temperature | 74-81°F | 75-82°F | 75-80°F |
pH Level | 6.0-8.0 | 6.0-7.5 | 6.0-7.5 |
Hardness | 5-20 dGH | 4-18 dGH | 5-18 dGH |
Oscar Fish: Ideal Parameters
Oscar fish thrive when provided with appropriate water conditions that mimic their natural habitat. It’s crucial to maintain these conditions consistently to ensure their well-being and longevity.
Here are the ideal parameters for Oscar fish:
- Temperature: Oscars prefer warmer waters, typically ranging from 74-81°F (23-27°C). Consistent temperature is vital for their health.
- pH Level: A neutral to slightly acidic pH, between 6.0 to 8.0, is best for Oscar fish. It matches the water conditions in their native South American habitats.
- Water Hardness: Oscar fish can adapt to a range of water hardness levels. However, a general hardness (GH) between 5-20 dH is optimal.

Silver Dollars: Ideal Parameters
Silver Dollars, being native to the river basins of South America, also have specific water conditions that are conducive to their health and vitality.
Ensuring these parameters helps in keeping the fish stress-free and healthy. Here are the essential parameters for Silver Dollars:
- Temperature: Silver Dollars are comfortable in a temperature range of 75-82°F (24-28°C). Consistency in temperature helps maintain their metabolism.
- pH Level: A pH level between 6.0 to 7.5 is ideal for Silver Dollars. This mirrors the water conditions of their native rivers.
- Water Hardness: Soft to medium water hardness suits Silver Dollars best. Ideally, a general hardness (GH) of 4-18 dH is recommended.

Oscar Fish vs. Silver Dollars: Tank Setup
Creating a comfortable environment requires a suitable tank setup. Here are the key components to consider for both Oscar fish and Silver Dollars:
Setup Feature | Oscar Fish | Silver Dollar | Both Types |
Ammonia, Nitrite & Nitrate | 0 ppm | 0 ppm | Maintain 0 ppm |
Tank Size | 55 gallons | 75 gallons | ≥ 125 gallons |
Foliage | Sturdy | Hardy | Sturdy plants |
Decorations | Large | Varied | Large & spaced |
Filter | Powerful | Moderate | Powerful |
Heater | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Salt | Occasionally | Rarely | Use sparingly |
Pump | Strong | Moderate | Strong |
Lighting | Moderate | Low-Moderate | Moderate |
Oscar Fish: Ideal Tank Setup
For Oscar fish to truly flourish, their tank setup should mimic their natural habitat, providing them with ample space and the right water conditions.
Specific parameters and setup components are key to ensuring the Oscar fish remains healthy and active.
Here’s a detailed look into the ideal tank setup for Oscar fish:
- Ammonia, Nitrite & Nitrate: Oscar fish are sensitive to these compounds. Use a high-quality filter to maintain levels close to 0 ppm for ammonia and nitrite, with nitrates under 20 ppm.
- Tank Size: Oscars grow large, requiring spacious environments. A single adult Oscar needs a tank of at least 55 gallons, but bigger is better.
- Foliage: While Oscars can tolerate plants, they might dig or uproot them. Sturdy plants or artificial ones are often recommended.
- Decorations: Oscars are curious and love to explore. Provide caves or rocks but ensure enough swimming space.
- Filter: A powerful filter is vital due to Oscar fish’s size and waste production. It ensures clean water and reduces harmful toxins.
- Heater: Oscars prefer warmer waters. An adjustable heater that maintains temperatures between 74-81°F (23-27°C) is essential.
- Salt: While Oscars can tolerate low salt levels, they don’t typically require salt additions unless treating specific ailments.
- Pump: An efficient water pump promotes water circulation, ensuring oxygen distribution and preventing stagnant areas.
- Lighting: Oscars aren’t particularly demanding about lighting. Standard aquarium lighting is sufficient, but a day-night cycle should be maintained.

Silver Dollars: Ideal Tank Setup
Silver Dollars have their own unique requirements derived from their natural habitats in the freshwater rivers of South America.
These requirements ensure their well-being and allow them to exhibit natural behaviors.
Here’s the ideal tank setup for Silver Dollars:
- Ammonia, Nitrite & Nitrate: Silver Dollars, like Oscars, need clean water. Ammonia and nitrite should be close to 0 ppm, with nitrates preferably below 20 ppm.
- Tank Size: Being active and schooling fish, Silver Dollars require space. A 75-gallon tank or larger is ideal for a small school.
- Foliage: Silver Dollars love plants, but they’re also known to eat them. Opt for hardy plants or provide a regular vegetable diet.
- Decorations: Smooth rocks and driftwood pieces can replicate their natural environment. Ensure no sharp edges that could injure them.
- Filter: A good-quality filter keeps the water clean and reduces harmful compounds, benefiting the Silver Dollars’ health.
- Heater: Silver Dollars prefer temperatures between 75-82°F (24-28°C). A reliable heater ensures a consistent temperature.
- Salt: Like Oscar fish, Silver Dollars typically don’t need salt unless addressing specific health issues.
- Pump: Adequate water circulation is essential for Silver Dollars. An efficient pump ensures this circulation and oxygen distribution.
- Lighting: Moderate lighting that mimics a natural day-night cycle is ideal. Silver Dollars are diurnal and active during the day.
Also Read: Can Oscar Fish And Arowana Fish Live Together?

The Dietary Requirements Of Oscar Fish And Silver Dollars
Diet plays a critical role in fish health. Here’s a quick guide to the nutritional needs of Oscar fish and Silver Dollars:
Diet Aspect | Oscar Fish | Silver Dollar | Both Types |
Food Types | Live, pellets | Vegetables, protein | Combo |
Quantity | 2-3 mins | 3-4 mins | Adjust per species |
Feeding Schedule | Daily (adults) | 1-2 times daily | Separate times |
Oscar Fish: Ideal Dietary Requirements
Oscar fish, as carnivorous predators in their natural habitats, require a protein-rich diet to ensure healthy growth and vibrant colors.
Their appetite is significant, and they enjoy a diverse range of foods. Here are the ideal dietary requirements for Oscar fish:
- Food Types: Oscars thrive on a mix of live foods, such as worms, insects, and smaller fish, as well as high-quality pellets or frozen foods.
- Quantity: While Oscars are hearty eaters, overfeeding can lead to health issues. Typically, feed an amount they can consume within 2-3 minutes.
- Feeding Schedule: It’s best to feed adult Oscar fish once a day, while younger Oscars can be fed 2-3 times a day due to their rapid growth.

Silver Dollars: Ideal Dietary Requirements
Silver Dollars primarily have herbivorous tendencies but will also consume some protein-based foods.
In the wild, they graze on plants, but in captivity, a balanced diet is crucial for their health. Here’s what Silver Dollars need in their diet:
- Food Types: Their main diet consists of vegetable matter, like spirulina flakes, lettuce, or zucchini. However, occasional protein foods, like brine shrimp, can also be offered.
- Quantity: Silver Dollars should be fed an amount they can finish within 3-4 minutes. Overfeeding can lead to water quality issues.
- Feeding Schedule: Regularly feeding Silver Dollars once or twice a day helps meet their dietary requirements and keeps them active.
Tips for Keeping Oscar Fish with Silver Dollars
Keeping Oscar fish with Silver Dollars can be successful when both species’ needs are considered and the environment is well-maintained.
Proper tank conditions, understanding of their behavior, and appropriate feeding strategies can lead to harmonious cohabitation.
Here are some pointers to help guide this cohabitation:
- Tank Size: Oscar fish can grow up to 12-14 inches, and Silver Dollars around 6 inches. Ensure the tank is at least 75 gallons to give both space.
- Decor and Hiding Spots: Silver Dollars are timid; provide plenty of plants and decorations for them to hide from the more aggressive Oscar fish.
- Diet Variations: Oscar fish are carnivores, while Silver Dollars are mostly herbivores. Feed Oscars protein-rich food and Silver Dollars plant-based diets.
- Water Parameters: Both prefer temperatures of 74-81°F (23-27°C) and a pH level of 6-7.5. Regular water changes ensure optimal conditions.
- Schooling Nature: Silver Dollars are schooling fish and thrive in groups of 5 or more, which can diffuse Oscar fish aggression.
- Monitoring Aggression: While Oscars are generally tolerant of Silver Dollars, monitor for signs of aggression and consider a tank divider if necessary.
- Tank Positioning: Placing the tank in a calm area of your home reduces stress, as Oscar fish can be territorial and Silver Dollars skittish.
Best Tank Mates For Oscar Fish And Silver Dollars
Both Oscar fish and Silver Dollars have specific tank mate preferences to ensure harmonious cohabitation.
Generally, species that are peaceful but can hold their own against the more dominant Oscar fish are preferable.
Here are suitable tank mates for the duo:
- Severum Cichlids: They are peaceful yet robust enough to share a tank with Oscar fish without being bullied.
- Convict Cichlids: While smaller, their feisty nature makes them a decent match with Oscar fish.
- Jaguar Cichlids: Being larger and assertive, they can coexist well with Oscars, given enough space.
- Plecos: These bottom dwellers often keep to themselves, making them suitable tank mates for both Oscar fish and Silver Dollars.
- Geophagus Species: They are relatively peaceful but can handle the occasional aggression from an Oscar fish.
- Large Catfish: Species like the Synodontis can coexist with Oscars due to their size and temperament.
- Firemouth Cichlids: Their semi-aggressive nature allows them to share space with Oscar fish without much conflict.
Also Read: Can Oscar Fish And Firemouth Cichlids Live Together?
For those of you who are just skimming through, here is a short recap:
- Oscar Fish and Silver Dollars can coexist in the same tank, but certain considerations are crucial.
- A tank of 100+ gallons is necessary due to their varying sizes for comfortable cohabitation.
- Similar temperaments and proper hiding spots can help mitigate potential conflicts.
- Providing appropriate diets and maintaining suitable water parameters are key to their successful cohabitation.
- Monitoring interactions closely, especially with schooling behavior and potential bullying, is vital.