Most fish owners know that angelfish are omnivores, meaning that they eat both plant and meat matter. But does that have anything to do with snails?
Do angelfish actually eat snails? Are some snail types more likely to be eaten than others? Can angelfish control snail populations? And what about other fish species?
In this article, I’ll discuss all these questions and many more, so you leave with all the information you need. Let’s get started.

Snail Species | Can Angelfish Eat It? |
Malaysian Trumpet Snails | No |
Nerite Snails | No |
Mystery Snails | No |
Rabbit Snails | No |
Ivory Snails | No |
Japanese Trapdoor Snails | No |
Larger Ramshorn Snails | No |
Bladder Snails | Yes |
Pond Snails | Yes |
Smaller Ramshorn Snails | Yes |
Miniature Snails | Yes |
Baby Malaysian Trumpet Snails | Yes |
Young Assassin Snails | Yes |
Do Angelfish Eat Snails?
Yes, angelfish can eat snails, depending on the size and species of the snail and the angelfish’s individual behavior.
- Natural Behavior: In the wild, angelfish feed on larvae and small invertebrates, so small snails in an aquarium may be seen as prey.
- Snail Size Matters: Snails under 1/4 inch, like baby Bladder snails, are often eaten, while those over 1 inch, like adult Nerites, are safe.
- Feeding Habits: Angelfish less likely to hunt snails if fed a high-protein diet twice daily, keeping their natural predatory instincts at bay.
- Aquarium Dynamics: Tanks with plenty of hiding spots, like dense plants, reduce snail predation by providing refuge from angelfish.
Also Read: What Do Angelfish Eat?
Snails Types That Angelfish Won’t Eat
Some snails feature certain characteristics that make them less likely to be consumed by angelfish. Here’s what you should know:
1. Malaysian Trumpet Snails

These snails are known for their hard, conical shells which make it difficult for angelfish to eat them. Additionally, they often burrow in the substrate, making them less accessible.
- Hard Shell: The trumpet-shaped shell of these snails is tough and spiraled, making it challenging for angelfish to crack or pry open.
- Nocturnal Habits: Malaysian Trumpet Snails are mostly active at night, reducing the likelihood of daytime encounters with angelfish.
- Substrate Dwellers: They spend much of their time buried in the gravel or substrate, which offers protection from curious angelfish.
2. Nerite Snails

Nerite snails are sought after for their algae-eating capabilities and have a reputation for being less likely to be eaten by angelfish due to their robust shells.
- Robust Shell: Their thick, rounded shells are almost impenetrable to angelfish, deterring any attempt to snack on them.
- Size Advantage: A full-grown Nerite snail can grow up to an inch, a size that is generally too large for angelfish to manage.
- Sticky Foot: Nerite snails have a particularly strong foot grip to surfaces, making it hard for angelfish to dislodge them.
3. Mystery Snails

These larger snails provide both aesthetic and practical benefits to the tank, and their size alone is a deterrent to angelfish predation.
- Large Size: Mystery snails can grow up to 2 inches in diameter, which is typically larger than what an angelfish can eat.
- Operculum Protection: They possess an operculum, or a hard door-like structure, which they can close to protect themselves from fish.
- Active During Day: Despite being active when angelfish are, their quick retraction and sealing ability keep them safe when threatened.
4. Rabbit Snails

Rabbit Snails have a unique appearance and tend to grow to a size that is impractical for angelfish to consider as food.
Their slow movement and tendency to mind their own business make them less of a target.
- Tough Shell: Rabbit Snails have elongated, heavy shells that provide significant protection against nipping angelfish.
- Large Size: They can grow up to 5 inches, far larger than the average angelfish mouth, deterring any attempts to eat them.
- Slow and Steady: Their slow nature means less flashy movement, which is less likely to attract the attention of an angelfish.
5. Ivory Snails

Ivory Snails are appreciated for their striking color and also benefit from having a robust shell, which combined with their size, makes them less appealing to angelfish.
- Solid Shell: They have a sturdy shell that is difficult for angelfish to crack, providing a good defense mechanism.
- Moderate Size: With a potential size of about an inch, Ivory Snails are often too big for angelfish to easily consume.
- Peaceful Coexistence: Their peaceful nature allows them to coexist with angelfish without triggering the fish’s predatory instincts.
6. Japanese Trapdoor Snails

These snails are well armored and tend to grow too large for angelfish to prey on. Their ability to seal off their shell with a ‘trapdoor’ makes them a challenging snack.
- Protective ‘Trapdoor’: Their operculum, or trapdoor, helps protect against predators like angelfish by sealing off the snail’s body.
- Hefty Size: Japanese Trapdoor Snails can reach over 2 inches in size, making them less likely to be eaten by angelfish.
- Hardy Nature: They’re tough and adaptable, capable of withstanding the occasional peck from angelfish without harm.
7. Ramshorn Snails

While smaller Ramshorn Snails can be at risk, the larger varieties are often left alone by angelfish due to their size and shell strength.
- Spiral Shell: The coiled shape of their shell provides a defense mechanism that can be difficult for angelfish to navigate.
- Varied Size: Larger specimens are less prone to predation due to their size, which can deter an angelfish from attacking.
- Reproductive Rate: They reproduce quickly, ensuring their population remains stable even if a few smaller ones are eaten.
Snail Types More Likely to Be Eaten by Angelfish
On the other hand, some snails are more likely to fall prey to angelfish. Consider the following:
1. Bladder Snails

Bladder Snails are small and have thinner shells, making them easy for angelfish to eat.
They are often found moving in the open, which can attract the attention of a hungry angelfish.
- Soft Shells: The shells of Bladder Snails are not as hard or thick as those of other snails, making them easier for angelfish to crush.
- Small Size: These snails typically remain under 1/2 inch in size, fitting easily into the mouth of an angelfish.
- High Visibility: Their tendency to roam openly on glass and plants in daylight makes them easy targets for angelfish.
2. Pond Snails

Pond Snails, often found in abundance, have a less robust defense against angelfish. Their prevalence in tanks means that there are often many small, easy-to-eat specimens.
- Abundant Prey: Pond Snails can quickly overpopulate a tank, providing numerous small-sized snacks for angelfish.
- Less Protective Shell: They have relatively thinner shells compared to other larger snails, offering less protection from angelfish.
- Frequent Interaction: Their active lifestyle and high numbers increase the interaction rate with angelfish, raising the predation risk.
3. Ramshorn Snails (Smaller Ones)

Smaller Ramshorn Snails have delicate shells and are slow to hide, making them more susceptible to being eaten by angelfish.
- Vulnerable Juveniles: Juvenile Ramshorn Snails are tiny and have softer shells, which angelfish can easily consume.
- Attractive Shape: The spiral shape of their shells can intrigue angelfish, prompting investigative pecking which may lead to eating.
- Slow to React: When approached by angelfish, smaller Ramshorn Snails often fail to retract quickly enough to escape.
4. Miniature Snails

Miniature snails are generally small enough to be considered as natural prey by angelfish.
Their tiny size and less developed defenses make them particularly vulnerable in an aquarium setting.
- Tiny Size: Miniature snails often don’t grow larger than a quarter inch, making them an easy target for angelfish.
- Limited Defense: Their small size means their shells are less robust, providing minimal protection against a determined angelfish.
- Easy Prey: Being so small, they are less likely to hide effectively and more likely to be caught out in the open by angelfish.
5. MTS (Baby Malaysian Trumpet Snails)

While adult Malaysian Trumpet Snails are typically safe from angelfish, their offspring are not.
The babies are much smaller and their shells are not yet hardened, making them more susceptible to predation.
- Soft Shells: The shells of baby MTS are softer and not fully developed, which makes it easier for angelfish to crack them.
- Small and Exposed: Young MTS lack the size and burrowing abilities of their parents, leaving them more exposed to angelfish.
- High Predation Risk: Due to their prolific breeding, many baby MTS are present, increasing the likelihood of angelfish predation.
6. Assassin Snails

Although Assassin Snails are carnivorous and may help control other snail populations, their younger and smaller individuals can still fall prey to angelfish.
Their slower movements and occasional visibility make them targets in certain scenarios.
- Juvenile Vulnerability: Young Assassin Snails have softer shells and are small enough to be eaten by angelfish.
- Hunting Exposure: While hunting other snails, they can become more visible and accessible to angelfish in the tank.
- Population Control Risk: Ironically, while they control pest snail populations, their increased activity can put them at risk with angelfish.
Can I Trust Angelfish to Control Snail Populations?
No, angelfish should not be trusted as the sole method to control snail populations, as their predation is not reliable enough to manage high snail populations effectively.
- Selective Predators: Angelfish might occasionally snack on small snails like Bladder Snails, but they typically ignore larger, more prolific breeders like Pond Snails.
- Feeding Preferences: Even if angelfish eat snails, they require a varied diet; solely snail-based feeding isn’t sufficient and won’t curb rapid snail reproduction.
- Reproduction Rates: Common snails reproduce quickly, with some species like the Pond Snail laying clutches of dozens of eggs frequently, outpacing angelfish predation.
Also Read: How To Stop Angelfish From Eating Plants

Can Angelfish Consume Snail Eggs?
Yes, angelfish can consume snail eggs, and they often do, as the eggs are small and tend to be stuck on surfaces within easy reach of the angelfish.
- Egg Accessibility: Snail eggs are usually laid in clusters on tank surfaces, which are accessible to angelfish during their regular grazing.
- Dietary Inclusion: Snail eggs can provide a source of protein for angelfish, fitting into their omnivorous diet when other foods are scarce.
- Predation Impact: While angelfish may eat eggs, they may not consume enough to significantly impact the overall snail population due to high snail fecundity.
Will Angelfish Eat Snail Shells?
No, angelfish typically do not eat snail shells, as the shells are hard and indigestible. They may peck at the shells to get to the snail inside but will not consume the shell itself.
- Indigestible Material: Snail shells are composed of calcium carbonate, which is not digestible by angelfish and offers no nutritional value to them.
- Feeding Behavior: Angelfish may suck the snail out of its shell or crush small snails but spit out the fragments of the shell afterward.
- Potential Hazard: Consuming snail shells can pose a risk of intestinal blockage or damage to the angelfish’s digestive tract, so they instinctively avoid it.

Do Snails Provide Essential Nutrients for Angelfish?
Yes, snails can provide essential nutrients for angelfish as they are a natural part of their diet and are rich in protein and calcium, which are beneficial to the angelfish’s health.
- Protein Source: Snails are high in protein, which is crucial for the growth and repair of tissues in angelfish, making them a healthy part of the diet.
- Calcium Intake: While angelfish do not eat the shells, the act of crushing them may incidentally ingest small amounts of calcium, aiding in their own bone and scale development.
- Dietary Variety: Including snails in their diet adds to the dietary variety, which is important for the overall health and vitality of angelfish.
How Do You Feed Snails to Angelfish?
To feed snails to angelfish, ensure that the snails are small enough for the angelfish to eat and introduce them into the tank where the angelfish can find them.
It’s important to only offer as many snails as the angelfish will consume to avoid overfeeding.
- Appropriate Size: Choose snails that are small, typically no larger than the space between the angelfish’s eyes, to ensure they can be easily eaten.
- Gradual Introduction: Introduce a few snails at a time to gauge the angelfish’s interest and prevent unnecessary waste in the tank.
- Tank Placement: Release the snails near the angelfish’s usual feeding areas to ensure they notice and consume them.
- Monitor Consumption: Keep an eye on how many snails the angelfish eat and remove any excess to maintain water quality.

Are There Other Fish That Eat Snails?
Yes, there are several other fish species known to eat snails, which can often be kept with angelfish in a community tank.
These fish can be an alternative or addition to angelfish for controlling snail populations.
- Loaches: Clown Loaches are particularly famous for their appetite for snails; they use their pointed snouts to extract snails from their shells.
- Puffer Fish: Dwarf Puffers are small but voracious snail eaters, often used as a biological control for snails.
- Bettas: Some Betta fish may pick at smaller snails or snail eggs, although they are not as effective as other species.
- Gouramis: Larger Gouramis might snack on smaller snails, using their labial feelers to detect and extract them.
- Cichlids: Certain cichlids, particularly smaller species like the Shell Dweller Cichlids, will eat snails if they can fit them in their mouths.
Also Read: Do Angelfish Eat Other Fish?
How Can You Stop Your Angelfish from Eating Snails?
To stop your angelfish from eating snails, you can take preventive measures such as choosing snail species that are less appealing to angelfish and providing ample hiding places for the snails.
It is also important to ensure that your angelfish are well-fed with a diverse diet to decrease their likelihood of preying on snails.
- Select Larger Snails: Opt for larger snail species such as Mystery or Nerite snails, which grow beyond the size that angelfish can manage to eat.
- Provide Hiding Spots: Create plenty of hiding spaces with live plants, rocks, and driftwood where snails can retreat and stay out of the angelfish’s sight.
- Maintain a Balanced Diet: Feed your angelfish a varied diet 2-3 times a day to satiate them, reducing the chance they will turn to snails for food.
- Snail Shelters: Install snail shelters or breeding boxes, which provide a safe haven for smaller snails away from the angelfish.
- Tank Management: Regularly manage your snail population through manual removal or by introducing snail-eating species that don’t pose a threat to your angelfish.

For quick readers, here’s a short summary:
- Angelfish can eat small snails like Bladder snails; larger snails such as Nerites and Mystery snails are generally safe due to their size and protective features.
- Snails like Malaysian Trumpet and Japanese Trapdoor have physical and behavioral traits that help them avoid being eaten by angelfish, such as nocturnal habits and protective ‘trapdoors’.
- Angelfish predation is not reliable for controlling snail populations in aquariums, as their selective eating habits and the rapid reproduction of snails can outpace their consumption.
- While angelfish do not consume snail shells, they can eat snail eggs, which are part of their omnivorous diet, but this likely won’t impact snail population control.
- To prevent angelfish from eating snails, choose larger snail species, provide plenty of hiding spots, and ensure angelfish are well-fed to diminish their hunting behavior.