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Angelfish and Mollies are favorites for home fish tanks. But is it okay for them to share one?  What do you need to think about if you want both? How should you set up the tank, handle the water, and feed them? In this article, I’ll answer all these questions and more, so you leave …

Read More about Can Angelfish And Mollies Live Together? (7 Essential Tips)

It is not rare to see your Oscars attacking their companion angelfish. Quite a few times, I had to see my angels lose their fins and fail to survive due to the ongoing attacks. That got me wondering whether or not angelfish and Oscars can live together at all. Over the years, I’ve gained a …

Read More about Can Angelfish And Oscars Live Together? (Must-Know Facts)

Quite often, my angelfish spawned in the community tank. Since they share it with other fish of different kinds, frequently, the fry didn’t survive. Breeding them in separate tanks is the natural solution. However, I kept wondering whether or not angelfish fry can survive in community tanks. That is the more complicated question I was …

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There is no doubt it is difficult to determine the precise feeding schedule and portion amounts for angelfish. For years I’ve tried to get it right so that my fish are not starved, nor the aquarium gets too dirty. After a lot of experiments and online research, I am willing to share a few insights …

Read More about How Often Should Angelfish Be Fed? (And How Much)

Quite often, I wondered whether or not angelfish like or need light. I knew that my tank received sunlight, although I wasn’t quite sure if the amount was enough. Since angelfish are dear to my heart, I began to research the topic a little deeper. Yes, angelfish like light and probably need it because it …

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Angelfish and Gourami are favorites for home aquariums. But can they live together without any issues? You’ve got to think about their tank size, water, and food to make it work. When I first started with these fish, I didn’t know any of this. That’s why I’m writing – so you don’t have to learn …

Read More about Can Angelfish And Gourami Live Together? (7 Essential Tips)

So frequently, I’ve noticed my angelfish didn’t look the way they used to. To make sure it wasn’t merely in my head, I took pictures and followed their appearance. Indeed, on some occasions, they became pale. In other cases, it seemed that their colors were much stronger. Can angelfish change colors? Well, let’s dive right …

Read More about Can Angelfish Change Colors? (With 7 Examples)

There were times I watched my angelfish grow impatiently. My biggest concern was that larger fish tank companions would eventually consume them if they remained small. Some of you, on the other hand, might wonder when angelfish reach their full size for commercial purposes (if you eventually tend to sell them, for example).  Angelfish reach …

Read More about When Do Angelfish Reach Full Size? (Growth Rate Explained)

Not once, I’ve tried to breed angelfish in a separate tank. Since it is such an exciting experience, I became really impatient when I saw their eggs laying on the slate. I kept asking myself how long is it going to take for my angelfish to hatch finally. Angelfish eggs typically hatch in 2-3 days. …

Read More about How Long Does It Take For Angelfish Egg To Hatch?

When I started with angelfish, I asked myself whether or not they require oxygen diffusers or filters. Some fish, like bettas, can do just fine without them. To make sure I don’t cause my angelfish any harm, I began researching. Yes, angelfish need oxygen diffusers and filters since water features 95 percent less oxygen comparing …

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I have a soft spot for angelfish, I must say. They are graceful, majestic swimmers that not only beautify your aquarium but can also lend a certain serenity to it. But what about the tank size they require? With the variety of angelfish out there, pinpointing the exact tank size for each can be a …

Read More about Angelfish Tank Size: A Complete Beginner’s Guide

So many times, I was looking for a way to make my angelfish grow faster. It happened each time they were breeding, and I was waiting to introduce the newborns to the community tank. Over the years, I’ve learned some efficient ways to hasten their growth rate. As I was implementing these techniques, I have …

Read More about How To Make Angelfish Grow Faster? (8 Easy Steps)

As you might have already read, I own a 20-gallon tank. Usually, my fish live in harmony. However, my angelfish tend to breed quite frequently and overcrowd my tank. Over the years, I started looking for ways to keep my angelfish from breeding. I came to realize that if I don’t take any action, the …

Read More about How To Keep Angelfish From Breeding? (7 Easy Steps)

Seeing broken fins on my angelfish was such a frustrating issue. Over the years, I’ve learned what makes this happen. Although, I kept asking myself – will my angelfish fins grow back? From what I saw, sometimes they have, but sometimes they haven’t. To understand this phenomenon better, I began researching a little deeper. Yes, …

Read More about Angelfish Broken Fins: Will They Grow Back?

I love having plants in my aquarium. However, quite often, I’ve noticed my fish nibble on them until they are eventually destroyed. Since I am a fan of angelfish, I began asking myself: do angelfish eat plants? Will they be an issue in my tank? That was when I started to research and read what …

Read More about Do Angelfish Eat Plants? (With 8 Examples)

Most fish owners know that angelfish are omnivores, meaning that they eat both plant and meat matter. But does that have anything to do with snails? Do angelfish actually eat snails? Are some snail types more likely to be eaten than others? Can angelfish control snail populations? And what about other fish species? In this …

Read More about Do Angelfish Eat Snails? (With 13 Examples)

Many people choose angelfish and shrimp for their freshwater aquariums. However, is it possible for them to live together peacefully? What should be considered to maintain them together? How important are their habitat requirements, water conditions, and diet? Do angelfish prey on specific shrimp species? When I first started with these aquatic pets, I was …

Read More about Can Angelfish Live With Shrimp? Will They Eat Them?

Quite frequently, I had terrible luck when I tried to grow large groups of angelfish altogether; the competition and aggression were awful. That was when I asked myself – do angelfish need to be in groups at all? Maybe they are just better on their own? Over the years, I have learned some interesting facts …

Read More about Do Angelfish Need To Be In Groups? Do They Need Companions?

It’s quite common to observe angelfish engaging in behavior that appears similar to kissing, something I often noticed while raising a pair in my 40-gallon tank. But what does this behavior signify? Are they really kissing like humans, or is it an indication of a problem? What actions should you take in response? These were …

Read More about Why Are My Angelfish Kissing? (5 Surprising Reasons)

So many times, I tried to breed my angelfish and failed. I noticed that quite frequently, the eggs were rotting. Instead of the lucent color they should have had, they turned white. Over time I understood why this phenomenon occurs and found a few ways to overcome this issue. Why do angelfish eggs turn white? …

Read More about Why Do Angelfish Eggs Turn White? (10 Prevention Tips)

So many times, I’ve seen my angelfish float motionless across its tank. That immediately popped the inevitable question – do angelfish sleep? Or should I be worried my fish doesn’t feel well? That was when I began to research the angelfish sleeping habits. Actually, what I found quite surprised me. Angelfish do sleep since, during …

Read More about Do Angelfish Sleep? (Signs, Sleeping Habits & More)

The first question I asked myself when I built my community tank was whether or not angelfish eat tetras. Since they differ in sizes, it raised my concern that they might not coexist. Apparently, I was right, and the tetras’ shoals became gradually smaller. Angelfish do eat tetras since they are relatively small and not …

Read More about Do Angelfish Eat Tetras? Can They Live Together?

For years I’ve been asking myself why angelfish hide. I have noticed that phenomenon so many times over the years. In some cases, they have stayed behind plants, while in others, they just haven’t left the bottom of my tank. To solve this problem, I began to research and test different techniques myself. Angelfish hide …

Read More about Why Do Angelfish Hide? (And Sometimes Prefer The Bottom)

When I first introduced angelfish to my aquarium, I wondered whether or not they eat algae. Personally, I liked how my aquarium looked, and I didn’t want the angelfish to ruin it. Also, I wondered if it might hurt them if they eventually chose to nibble on it. That was when I began to research …

Read More about Do Angelfish Eat Algae? (With 6 Prevention Techniques)

When I first bought my angelfish, the first question I asked was how often do they breed. I wanted to know that because I needed to catch the right moment for a pair to move to a breeding tank. Also, once I have done so, I wanted to know how long should I wait. That …

Read More about How Often Do Angelfish Breed? (Eggs Laying & Reproduction)

So many times, I’ve asked myself why my angelfish stripes fade and sometimes even disappear. As years passed by, I have learned a few reasons for that phenomenon and also found a few reversible measures you can take. Angelfish stripes fade as a result of stressful conditions, such as threatening companions, surprising views outside the …

Read More about Why Do Angelfish Stripes Fade & Disappear? (With Solutions)

A few days ago, I asked myself whether or not angelfish are difficult to keep. That was right after my friend bought a few, and unfortunately, they haven’t survived in his aquarium. Since I had a different experience from my own, I began researching the internet to see why growing angelfish might be hard. In …

Read More about Are Angelfish Difficult To Keep & Care For?