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Neon tetras are extremely popular in home aquariums, but that doesn’t mean that they are always being taken care of properly. One common mistake is feeding neon tetras too much or too frequently, resulting in serious health issues. In this article, I will guide you through the entire feeding process, so that your tetras remain …

Read More about How Much To Feed Your Neon Tetras: The Quick Answer

Preparing a neon tetra tank isn’t that simple, as there are many factors to consider. It’s impossible to throw the fish without proper preparations, or they won’t survive. In this guide, I’ll show you how to pick the right equipment, how to adjust the water, and which tank mates can leave with your neon tetras. …

Read More about Neon Tetra Tank Setup: A Comprehensive Beginner’s Guide

Neon tetras are hardy creatures, but that doesn’t mean they can survive under any conditions. One question I often get is whether they require light in their tank. Light is vital for neon tetra development and growth. Use LED lighting in your aquarium for 6-8 hours daily to provide an adequate day/night cycle. Avoid direct …

Read More about Do Neon Tetras Need Light? (Optimal Lighting For Neon Tetras)

Neon tetras are one of the most common fish in home aquariums, mainly because of their colors and peaceful nature. But setting up a neon tetra tank could raise some questions, especially if these creatures actually need a heater (being pretty tolerable). In this article, I will answer this question and also guide you on …

Read More about Do Neon Tetras Need A Heater? (With Recommendations)

Neon tetras are truly remarkable, and I’ve been caring for them for many years. My fish tank is brimming with plants, providing plenty of hiding spots for the neon tetras and their fry. However, which plants are most beneficial for neon tetras in terms of providing cover and creating a suitable environment? What Makes A …

Read More about 11 Plants Your Neon Tetras Will Love In Their Tank

Arranging a neon tetra tank raises many questions, including what equipment these delicate creatures actually need. One question I often receive is whether they require a filter. In this article, I will answer this question, and walk you through the entire process of picking the right one for your tank. Let’s dive in. Do Neon …

Read More about Do Neon Tetras Need A Filter? (Why It’s Important)

Setting up a neon tetra tank could be a challenging task, especially if you are just starting with this hobby. The first question most people ask is, “What do these fish actually need, with bubblers (also known as air stones) in particular?” In this article, I will walk you through whether this device is actually …

Read More about Do Neon Tetras Need A Bubbler? (With A Few Alternatives)

Fish, including neon tetras, rely on extracting oxygen from water to breathe. They use their gills to facilitate this process, pulling in water and extracting the oxygen it contains. Some fish also have lung-like structures that allow them to gulp air from the surface, but mostly, fish depend on dissolved oxygen in the water. In …

Read More about Do Neon Tetras Need An Air Pump? (And Which One Is Best)

I enjoy keeping neon tetras in my tank. Let’s face it, these fish are extremely beautiful and easy to care for. However, when they get sick, it’s my responsibility to take care of them. Unfortunately, diagnosing illnesses in fish and selecting the appropriate treatment can be challenging, particularly for neon tetras due to their small …

Read More about 17 Neon Tetra Diseases & Their Treatments: A Complete Guide

Neon tetras that become constipated are the real deal. When this happened to my fish, I immediately panicked. The fish looked bloated and was unable to swim. Fortunately, after this happened, I gained a lot of experience and knowledge on the topic. I was also able to save my fish from a cruel fate. In …

Read More about Neon Tetra Constipation: Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

Neon tetras are an excellent addition to fish tanks. They are both peaceful and beautiful, making them one of the most popular choices among aquarists. However, they often present worrying signs. A few months ago, I noticed one of my neon tetras had developed what looked like black spots on its gills. After extensive investigation …

Read More about Black Spots On Neon Tetras: Causes & How To Treat Them

Neon tetras are highly admired as community fish due to their peaceful nature and resilient characteristics. Additionally, their brightly colored and flowing tails create a calming spectacle as they gracefully move within the aquarium. Unfortunately, these beautiful fins and tails are prone to a condition known as neon tetra fin rot. So, what exactly is …

Read More about Neon Tetra Fin Rot: Causes, Symptoms & Prevention

Neon tetras are beautiful fish and are very popular in freshwater aquariums. However, they often carry diseases that pose a serious threat. Today, I will discuss Ich disease, a fairly common condition in neon tetras. I will show you how to diagnose this condition and treat it appropriately, and hopefully will answer all your questions. …

Read More about Neon Tetra Ich (White Spot): Causes, Prevention & Treatment

Neon tetras are resilient fish capable of adapting to various water conditions. These beautiful creatures are popular among both aquarium novices and enthusiasts. However, they are susceptible to neon tetra disease, a condition that poses a significant threat to my aquarium’s entire population. So, what exactly triggers neon tetra disease? What are the signs of …

Read More about Neon Tetra Disease: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

I recall feeling extremely worried the first time I noticed my neon tetra swimming upside down. At that moment, I felt like the worst caregiver for my pet. However, over time, I learned how to assist my little fish in recovering. Fortunately, there are several effective ways to address this issue. Neon tetras typically swim …

Read More about Why Is My Neon Tetra Swimming Upside Down? (With 5 Quick Solutions)

It’s alarming when fish show signs of distress. In some instances, I’ve observed my neon tetras floating near the top of the tank. With time, I discovered what instigates this issue and how to mitigate it. Neon tetras might float at the top due to a condition known as swim bladder disease, which impacts the …

Read More about Why Is My Neon Tetra Floating At The Top? (4 Handy Solutions)

I became concerned when I observed my neon tetras swimming at the top of the tank for long periods of time. I worried that they might be suffering from swim bladder disease, but I wasn’t certain. Over time, I discovered that this behavior could be attributed to various factors. Neon tetras typically stay at the …

Read More about Neon Tetras Staying At The Top Of The Tank: Reasons & Solutions

Neon tetras are a beautiful addition to your tank. However, when they start acting strangely, it immediately raises some concerns. In this article, I will discuss a particular condition known as swim bladder disorder in neon tetra fish.  You will learn how to identify the ailment, how to treat it properly, and how to prevent …

Read More about Neon Tetra Swim Bladder Disease: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Both cory catfish and neon tetras are popular freshwater fish, which immediately raises one question: Can they share the same tank? In this article, I’ll answer that question, and also provide some great tips on how to get them to live side by side. So, without further ado, let’s dive right into it. Can Cory …

Read More about Cory Catfish And Neon Tetras: Can They Live Together?

I remember how frustrated I was when I noticed my very first neon tetra was dead. I carefully washed out the fish tank and all the gravel, but every few days, I would see another one of my neon tetras floating upside down at the top of the tank. Luckily, as time passed, I learned …

Read More about Why Are My Neon Tetras Dying? (With 5 Practical Solutions)

Neon tetras are a beautiful addition to fish tanks. That is why I got disappointed when the school in my tank always chose to hide. Luckily, over the years, I learned why this phenomenon occurs and how to overcome it. Neon tetras typically hide due to inadequate water conditions, including pH, temperature, ammonia, and nitrates. …

Read More about Why Do My Neon Tetras Keep Hiding? (With 5 Quick Solutions)

Seeing your neon tetras swimming consistently at the bottom of the tank raises many questions and for a good reason. When I first saw this behavior in my fish I had no idea what causes this or what to do. Fortunately, over the years, I gained some experience in this topic. In this article, I …

Read More about Why Do My Neon Tetras Stay At The Bottom Of The Tank?

Many times neon tetras present signs that seem odd. For example, quite often, I found growths on my tetras’ mouth. Over the years, I researched that phenomenon and learned its possible causes and treatments. Now, I am willing to share my experience. The growth on a neon tetra’s mouth is typically Columnaris, a disease caused …

Read More about Growth on Neon Tetra’s Mouth: Possible Causes & Treatments

Many times I see bizarre swimming behaviors in my tank. For example, more than once, I caught my neon tetra swimming vertically. As the years passed, I learned why this issue occurs and how to deal with it. Now, I am willing to share my experience. Neon tetras tend to swim vertically due to a …

Read More about Neon Tetra Swimming Vertically: 6 Quick Solutions

Quite often, I’m being asked about Zebra Danios and their ability to live with other species. Since Neon Tetras are quite prevalent in fish tanks, many people wonder whether they can get along with Danios. Over the years, I gained some experience with both fish. Now, I am willing to share what I learned. Zebra …

Read More about Zebra Danios and Neon Tetras: Can They Live Together?

So many times, I was amazed to find that my neon tetras got missing. That happened with other fish as well, although, with tetras, it happened too frequently. Over the years, I’ve learned a few reasons that cause tetras to disappear and found how to deal with them. Now, I am willing to share my …

Read More about Why Did My Neon Tetra Disappear? (With 6 Prevention Tips)

Discus are among my favorite types of fish. Their beautiful colors and docile behavior bring so much charm to the aquarium. However, there was a time when I wanted to introduce neon tetras to their tank. Since I didn’t know if discus fish eat neon tetras, or whether the two can live together, I began …

Read More about Will Discus Fish Eat Neon Tetras? Can They Live Together?

As I was preparing my own fish tank, one of the questions I kept asking myself was whether or not teras and shrimp can coexist. Since both are quite prevalent in aquariums, learning about their symbiotic life was inevitable for me. That was when I began to research that topic profoundly.  Yes, tetras and shrimp …

Read More about Tetra Fish And Shrimp: Can They Live Together?