Angelfish are extremely popular these days, mainly due to their striking appearance and relatively undemanding requirements.
But when it comes to breeding, angelfish pose some questions.
Do angelfish actually eat their own babies? Don’t they recognize that they are the offspring? Can you do something to prevent this from happening?
In this article, I’ll discuss all these questions and more, so you’ll leave with all the information you need. Let’s get started.

Do Angelfish Eat Their Own Fry?
Yes, angelfish may sometimes consume their own fry, which can be attributed to several instinctual and environmental factors.
- Natural Instinct: Angelfish are omnivores, requiring protein, which in the wild includes consuming fry; in captivity, they don’t always recognize their young as off-limits.
- Stress Response: In tanks under 30 gallons, angelfish may feel cramped, leading to stress-induced fry predation as a misguided form of population control.
- Poor Nutrition: Angelfish requiring high protein diets might turn to their fry when their regular feeding comprises less than 40-50% protein sources.
- Lack of Experience: First-time angelfish parents, unfamiliar with fry-care, may mistakenly eat their offspring, a behavior often seen in newly matured breeders under a year old.
Also Read: What Do Angelfish Eat?
How to Keep Angelfish from Eating Their Fry
Even though angelfish may eat their fry from time to time, there are ways to prevent this. Here’s what you should do:
1. Separate the Parents from the Fry
Once angelfish fry are free-swimming, it’s wise to move the parents to a different tank. This prevents any chance of them seeing the fry as food.
- Preventive Separation: Transfer the parents back to the community tank or a separate breeding tank to avoid fry predation, ensuring a stress-free environment for the fry to grow.
- Dedicated Fry Tank: Setting up a separate nursery tank, around 10 gallons, keeps fry safe and allows for specialized care and feeding tailored to their growth needs.
- Observation Window: Use a tank divider or a breeding box within the same aquarium to keep parents and fry visible to each other, reducing stress while preventing contact.

2. Provide Abundant Hiding Places
Creating plenty of cover gives fry a fighting chance to survive in a tank with adults.
- Dense Plantation: Introduce live plants like Java moss or artificial hiding spots; fry are adept at using these to evade predation within the community tank.
- Complex Environments: Arrange the tank with caves, driftwood, and foliage to create a labyrinth-like habitat that gives fry numerous places to conceal themselves. My recommendation: Majoywoo Natural Driftwood (link to Amazon).
- Floating Refuges: Utilize floating plants or breeding grass in the tank’s surface, providing fry with immediate shelter right after they begin to swim.
3. Increase Food Supply for the Adults
Ensuring that adult angelfish are well-fed reduces the likelihood of them turning to their fry for sustenance.
- High-Protein Diet: Feed the adults high-quality flakes, pellets with at least 45% protein content, and live foods like brine shrimp to satiate their hunger more effectively. My recommendation: TetraCichlid Cichlid Flakes (link to Amazon)
- Frequent Feedings: Increase feeding times to 3-4 times a day in smaller quantities to maintain constant fullness without overburdening the tank’s filtration system.
- Varied Menu: Offer a diverse diet including bloodworms, tubifex worms, and vegetable matter to fulfill all dietary needs and distract them from their natural predatory instincts.
Also Read: Do Angelfish Eat Bloodworms?

4. Use a Breeding Tank
Employing a breeding tank for the angelfish pair can significantly increase fry survival rates by providing a controlled environment for spawning and early development.
- Controlled Conditions: A separate breeding tank allows you to monitor water quality and temperature, which are critical in the first few weeks of fry development, ensuring optimal growth conditions.
- Isolated Attention: This tank makes it easier to provide the fry with specialized care without the interference of other tank inhabitants, improving their survival chances.
- Parental Removal: After spawning, parents can be removed promptly to prevent them from eating the eggs or fry, thus securing the next generation’s safety.
5. Install a Fry-Safe Separator Mesh
In cases where a separate tank isn’t available, a mesh separator within the community tank can protect the fry while keeping the family unit intact.
- Barrier Protection: A fine mesh separator allows water to circulate while being small enough to prevent adults from reaching the fry, creating a safe nursery zone within the tank.
- Visual Contact: The mesh keeps the parents visually connected to the fry, which can be important for reducing stress on both the fry and the parents.
- Easy Installation: Fry-safe separator meshes are usually straightforward to install with suction cups or frames, allowing for flexible positioning and adjustment according to the tank’s layout.

How Many Angelfish Babies Survive?
The survival rate of angelfish babies, or fry, varies widely, with well-maintained aquarium conditions seeing survival rates of up to 90%, whereas less ideal conditions can result in much lower rates.
In a typical community tank without interventions, it’s common to see less than 5% of the fry survive to adulthood.
- Optimal Breeding Conditions: With a dedicated breeding tank and meticulous care, survival rates can soar to 90%, especially if fry predators are eliminated and water conditions are ideal.
- Community Tank Survival: In a standard community tank without special arrangements for the fry, survival rates can plummet to 2-5% due to predation and competition for resources.
- Poor Water Quality: If water parameters are unstable or poor, survival rates can drop below 20%, as angelfish fry are particularly sensitive to ammonia and nitrate levels.
- Inexperienced Parenting: First-time angelfish parents often have lower survival rates for their fry, sometimes as low as 10%, due to improper care or accidental predation.
Why Are My Angelfish Fry Dying?
Angelfish fry may be dying due to a range of issues from water quality to inadequate feeding. It’s essential to scrutinize environmental conditions and care routines to pinpoint the cause.
- Water Quality: Fry are highly sensitive to ammonia and nitrite; levels above 0 ppm can be lethal, necessitating daily water tests and changes.
- Nutritional Deficiency: Fry require frequent feeding of high-protein food; failure to meet these needs can lead to malnutrition and high mortality.
- Overcrowding: High fry density can exhaust resources and deteriorate water quality, with a recommended space of at least a half-gallon per fry to avoid this.
- Temperature Fluctuations: Sudden changes in water temperature stress fry, with an ideal range of 76-82°F that must be maintained consistently.
- Bacterial Infections: Without proper tank hygiene, bacterial blooms can occur, which may lead to fatal diseases like fin rot and white spot disease in fry.

Do Angelfish Eat Other Baby Fish?
Yes, angelfish do eat other baby fish, as they are opportunistic feeders and may not recognize small fish as anything other than food.
- Predatory Instinct: Angelfish are natural predators; in an aquarium setting, they may consume smaller fish, mistaking them for the insects and larvae they’d eat in the wild.
- Size Matters: Fry of other species that are small enough to fit into an angelfish’s mouth are at risk, especially in a community tank lacking adequate hiding spaces.
- Territorial Behavior: Angelfish can be territorial; they may view smaller fish as intruders, leading to aggression and potential predation.
- Feeding Habits: If angelfish are not adequately fed or are on a diet lacking in variety, they may turn to fry as a supplemental food source.
Do Angelfish Eat Their Own Eggs?
Yes, angelfish can eat their own eggs, often surprising new aquarists when they observe this seemingly counterproductive behavior.
It can occur due to stress, poor water conditions, or simply a lack of experience from young parental fish.
- Stress Reaction: Angelfish under stress from poor water conditions or tank disturbances may consume their eggs, often in tanks with fluctuating parameters.
- Parental Inexperience: Young or first-time angelfish parents sometimes eat their eggs, not recognizing their role, a behavior seen in pairs younger than 8-10 months.
- Territorial Instincts: If the breeding area feels threatened, angelfish might eat their eggs to prevent them from falling into the wrong fins, so to speak.
- Nutritional Needs: A lack of essential nutrients, especially in a diet low in protein, may drive angelfish to eat their eggs as an alternative food source.

How Do I Keep My Angelfish from Eating Their Eggs?
To keep angelfish from eating their eggs, one must create an optimal environment for breeding and ensure the parents are healthy and stress-free.
- Optimize Water Conditions: Maintain water parameters strictly within an angelfish’s preferred range, with pH levels around 6.8-7.0 and temperature steady at about 80°F.
- Provide Proper Nutrition: Feed the breeding pair high-quality, varied diets rich in protein like bloodworms and brine shrimp to reduce the urge to eat their eggs for sustenance.
- Reduce Stress: Minimize tank traffic and loud noises around the breeding tank and use dim lighting to mimic the serene environment of their natural habitat.
- Isolate the Pair: Use a separate breeding tank for the pair, removing the temptation of community tank competition which can provoke egg-eating.
- Remove the Eggs: After spawning, you may opt to remove the eggs to a separate, well-aerated tank to hatch, using methylene blue to prevent fungus.
- Use a Spawning Slate: Provide a flat surface like a spawning slate for egg-laying; this allows you to easily move the eggs if the parents become a threat. My recommendation: AQUA Angelfish Breeding Cone (link to Amazon).
- Observe and Separate: Keep a close eye on the pair’s behavior post-spawning, and if they show signs of aggression towards the eggs, gently relocate them to another tank.

For quick readers, here’s a short summary:
- Angelfish may consume their fry due to instinct, stress, nutritional needs, or lack of parental experience, with behaviors like eating their own eggs also observed under certain stressors.
- Preventative measures to stop angelfish from eating their fry include separating parents from fry, increasing hiding places, and ensuring a high-protein diet for the adults.
- The survival rate of angelfish fry in a well-maintained aquarium can be up to 90%, but less than 5% may survive in a typical community tank without intervention.
- Fry death can result from various factors including poor water quality, nutritional deficiencies, overcrowding, temperature fluctuations, and bacterial infections.
- To prevent angelfish from eating their eggs, optimal water conditions and nutrition for the parents are essential, along with reducing stress and potentially isolating or removing eggs post-spawning.