The one way to take your fishkeeping hobby one step forward is to start breeding your fish, and there is no better choice than angelfish.
But how do you actually breed angelfish? Which steps should you consider? Are they easy to breed? And what to expect, when it comes to their breeding frequency?
In this article, I’ll discuss all these questions and more, so you leave with all the information you need. Let’s get started.

How to Breed Angelfish
Breeding angelfish can be a rewarding experience if you follow these key steps with care and attention:
Aspect | Summary |
Water Temperature | Maintain 78-80°F (25-27°C) |
pH Level | Keep pH between 6.5 and 7.0 |
Breeding Tank Size | Minimum 20-gallon tank; larger preferred |
Tank Features | Add live plants, caves, driftwood for hiding |
Feeding Frequency | Feed 2-3 times a day; varied diet |
Parent’s Food | Mix of flakes, live/frozen food, supplements |
Fry’s Food | Start with infusoria or liquid fry food |
Also Read: Angelfish Care Guide
Step 1: Set Up a Suitable Tank
A proper tank setup is essential for angelfish to thrive and breed. It’s about creating a comfortable and healthy environment for them.
- Tank Size Matters: Opt for a minimum 20-gallon tank; larger tanks, like 40 gallons, are better for more space and water stability, reducing stress.
- Water Conditions: Maintain water temperature at 78-80°F (25-27°C) and pH levels between 6.5 and 7.0; use a reliable heater and pH testing kit for accuracy. I personally got the API Freshwater Master Test Kit (link to Amazon).
- Plants and Hiding Spots: Add live plants (e.g., Amazon Sword, Java Fern) and caves or driftwood for hiding; these elements mimic their natural habitat.
- Regular Maintenance: Perform weekly 10-15% water changes and monitor water quality; consistent clean water is crucial for their health and breeding readiness.

Step 2: Select Healthy Breeding Pair
Choosing the right pair is a significant step in angelfish breeding. Healthy, compatible fish are more likely to successfully mate and produce offspring.
- Physical Health: Look for active, vibrant fish with no signs of illness (e.g., clear eyes, intact fins); healthy angelfish are more fertile and better breeders.
- Age and Size: Select angelfish that are at least 6-8 months old and similar in size; this age indicates sexual maturity and readiness to breed.
- Behavioral Signs: Observe for pairing behavior, like swimming together or cleaning a surface for eggs; this indicates a bonded pair ready to breed.
- Gender Differences: Although hard to distinguish, males often have a nuchal hump (bump on the head) and females have a rounder body shape; knowing genders helps in pairing.
Step 3: Provide Optimal Feeding
Feeding your angelfish correctly can significantly enhance their health and breeding potential.
A balanced diet ensures they are nutritionally satisfied and in prime condition for breeding.
- Varied Diet: Feed a mix of flakes, live or frozen food (like brine shrimp or bloodworms); this variety ensures a balanced intake of nutrients.
- Feeding Frequency: Feed small amounts 2-3 times a day; overfeeding can pollute the water, while underfeeding affects their health and breeding ability.
- Nutritional Supplements: Consider supplements like vitamins or spirulina to enhance their diet; this boosts their overall health and reproductive capabilities. My recommendation: Seachem Nourish (link to Amazon).
- Observe Eating Habits: Regularly check their appetite and reaction to food; healthy angelfish are eager eaters, and this indicates good overall health.

Step 4: Monitor for Spawning Behavior
Observing your angelfish for signs of spawning behavior is a key aspect of the breeding process.
Recognizing these behaviors helps you prepare for the next stages of egg care and fry raising.
- Pair Bonding Signs: Look for the pair swimming closely, cleaning a flat surface (like a leaf or tank decoration) for egg laying; this indicates imminent spawning. This AQUA Angelfish Breeding Cone (link to Amazon) is worth considering.
- Spawning Site Guarding: The male often guards the chosen spawning site, becoming more territorial; this behavior is a strong indicator of readiness to spawn.
- Egg-Laying Process: The female will lay rows of eggs on the cleaned surface, and the male follows to fertilize them; this process can last several hours.
- Behavioral Changes: Increased aggression or protectiveness over a particular tank area is common; these changes signify the pair is preparing for egg laying.
Step 5: Ensure Proper Egg Care
After spawning, taking care of the eggs is critical for ensuring they hatch successfully. Proper egg care involves maintaining ideal conditions and monitoring for any issues.
- Maintain Water Quality: Keep water parameters stable (78-80°F, pH 6.5-7.0); fluctuations can harm the eggs or prevent hatching.
- Fungus Prevention: Use methylene blue or a similar antifungal agent to prevent fungus growth on eggs; apply as directed to avoid toxicity.
- Aeration and Circulation: Ensure gentle water circulation around the eggs; use an air stone or sponge filter for mild water movement.
- Monitoring for Hatching: Eggs typically hatch in 2-3 days; observe for any unhatched or white (infertile) eggs and remove them carefully.
Also Read: Angelfish Eggs Care

Step 6: Separate Fry from Parents
Once the fry start swimming freely, it’s often advisable to separate them from the parents. This step is crucial for the safety and proper growth of the fry.
- Timing for Separation: Remove fry from the main tank within a week after they start swimming freely to prevent parental predation.
- Use a Separate Tank: Transfer fry to a smaller, separate tank (5-10 gallons); this ensures their safety and easier monitoring.
- Maintain Optimal Conditions: Keep water in the fry tank clean and at a stable temperature (80-82°F); consistent conditions are vital for fry growth.
- Gradual Acclimatization: Acclimate fry to the new tank gradually using the drip method; this reduces stress and shock to the young fish.
Step 7: Feed and Grow Fry
Feeding the fry appropriately is essential for their growth and development. Fry require nutrient-rich, appropriately sized food to thrive.
- Initial Food: Start with infusoria or liquid fry food for the first few days; these are small enough for fry to eat. My recommendation: Northfin Fry Starter (link to Amazon).
- Gradual Diet Upgrade: Introduce newly hatched brine shrimp after a week; they provide essential nutrients for growing fry.
- Feeding Frequency: Feed fry small amounts 3-4 times a day; consistent feeding supports steady growth and development.
- Monitor Growth: Keep track of their growth and health; regular water changes and proper feeding lead to healthy, rapidly growing fry.
Also Read: Angelfish Fry Care

How Easily Do Angelfish Breed?
Angelfish can breed relatively easily under the right conditions, with proper tank setup and care being critical factors.
They are known for their readiness to breed once they have formed a pair, especially in a stable, stress-free environment.
However, success in breeding also depends on the individual temperaments and health of the angelfish.
Can Angelfish Breed in a Community Tank?
Yes, angelfish can breed in a community tank, but it’s often more challenging than in a dedicated breeding setup.
The presence of other fish can cause stress and territorial disputes, potentially disrupting the breeding process.
Additionally, eggs and fry are at a higher risk of being eaten in a community tank.

How Do You Recognize When Angelfish Are Breeding?
Recognizing when angelfish are breeding involves observing their behavior and changes in their interaction.
You’ll notice distinct behavioral patterns and physical activities that are indicative of the breeding process.
- Cleaning Behavior: Breeding angelfish often clean a flat surface (like a leaf or tank decoration) meticulously, preparing it for egg laying. This behavior is a strong sign they’re getting ready to spawn.
- Pair Bonding: Look for a pair of angelfish that are constantly together, swimming side by side, often a sign they’ve formed a breeding pair.
- Territorial Aggression: The male, in particular, becomes more territorial and aggressive, especially around the chosen spawning site, to protect it from other tank mates.
- Spawning Act: You’ll observe the female laying eggs in neat rows on the cleaned surface, followed by the male fertilizing them, a clear indication of active breeding.
Do Angelfish Kiss When Breeding?
Angelfish may exhibit close contact and even lip-locking behaviors as a sign that they are about to breed.
However, This behavior can also be a sign of aggression, especially between males.
Also Read: Why Are My Angelfish Kissing?

How Can You Determine the Gender of Angelfish?
Determining the gender of angelfish can be challenging, especially in younger fish, as they don’t have prominent sexual dimorphism.
However, there are subtle physical and behavioral differences that can help experienced aquarists make an educated guess.
- Body Shape: Females generally have a slightly rounder and fuller body shape, particularly noticeable when viewed from the front, compared to the more streamlined body of males.
- Nuchal Hump: Mature males often develop a nuchal hump, a small bump on their forehead, which is not typically present in females.
- Papilla Shape: During spawning, the breeding tube or papilla is more pointed in males and blunter and wider in females; this is visible when they are ready to spawn.
- Aggressive Behavior: Males tend to be more aggressive and territorial than females, especially during breeding season, although this can vary with individual temperament.
Why Are My Angelfish Not Breeding?
If your angelfish are not breeding, it could be due to a range of factors related to their environment, health, or stress levels.
Identifying and addressing these issues is key to encouraging them to start the breeding process.
- Inadequate Tank Conditions: If water parameters are off (e.g., temperature, pH), it can discourage breeding. Regularly test and adjust your tank’s water to maintain ideal conditions (78-80°F, pH 6.5-7.0).
- Insufficient Space: A cramped tank can stress angelfish, making them less likely to breed. Ensure a spacious tank, ideally 20 gallons or more, to provide a comfortable breeding environment.
- Lack of Nutrition: Poor diet can affect their health and breeding capability. Offer a varied diet with high-quality flakes, frozen or live food to ensure they are nutritionally satisfied.
- Stress from Tank Mates: Aggressive or incompatible tank mates can stress angelfish, hindering breeding. Consider the temperaments of all fish and rearrange the community if necessary for a peaceful environment.
- Incorrect Gender Pairing: If you have two fish of the same gender, they obviously won’t breed. Carefully observe physical and behavioral traits to ensure a male-female pair, or consult an expert for assistance.
How Many Times a Year Do Angelfish Breed?
Angelfish can breed multiple times a year, often as frequently as once every month or two, provided they are in optimal health and conditions.
If the environment is ideal, with proper care and nutrition, they can produce several batches of eggs annually.
The frequency of breeding, however, also depends on factors like the age and health of the fish, as well as the stability of their environment.

How Many Angelfish Babies Survive?
The survival rate of angelfish babies, or fry, can vary significantly based on the conditions of their environment and the level of care provided.
In a well-maintained aquarium with proper feeding and protection from predators (including adult angelfish), a significant portion of the fry may survive.
However, in less ideal conditions or in community tanks, the survival rate can be much lower due to factors like predation, disease, and competition for food.
How Can You Keep Angelfish From Breeding?
Keeping angelfish from breeding requires specific measures to control their natural breeding instincts.
- Maintain Same-Sex Groups: To prevent breeding pairs from forming, keep angelfish in groups of the same sex. This reduces the likelihood of pair bonding.
- Adjust Tank Conditions: Maintain water temperature slightly below the ideal breeding range (75-76°F) and ensure stable pH levels (around 6.5-6.8) to discourage breeding behavior.
- Diminish Spawning Sites: Remove flat surfaces or objects that can serve as potential spawning sites, such as large leaves or smooth stones.
- Introduce Aggressive Tank Mates: Adding more aggressive or territorial fish to the tank can disrupt the peace and prevent the formation of breeding pairs.
Also Read: How To Keep Angelfish From Breeding?

Can Different Types of Angelfish Breed?
Different types of angelfish, specifically from the same species (Pterophyllum scalare), can interbreed and produce hybrid offspring.
However, crossbreeding between distinct species of angelfish is rare and usually not successful due to differences in behavior, genetics, and compatibility.
It’s generally recommended to breed angelfish of the same species to maintain the purity of their genetic lineage.
Also Read: Can Different Types Of Angelfish Breed?
For quick readers, here’s a short summary:
- Proper tank setup and water conditions are crucial for successful angelfish breeding, with a minimum 20-gallon tank recommended for optimal results.
- Selecting healthy breeding pairs based on physical health, age, size, and behavioral signs is essential for successful angelfish breeding.
- Feeding a varied diet and monitoring eating habits enhances the health and breeding potential of angelfish.
- Recognizing spawning behavior, such as pair bonding and egg-laying, is crucial in the breeding process.
- Ensuring proper egg care, maintaining water quality, and preventing fungus growth are essential steps for successful angelfish breeding.