Can Angelfish And Silver Dollars Live Together? (7 Key Tips)

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Angelfish and Silver Dollars are popular for freshwater tanks.

But can they live together without problems? What should you think about if you want to keep them in the same tank?

This includes the size of the tank, the type of water they need, and what they eat.

When I started keeping these fish, I didn’t know any of this. That’s why I wrote this article, to help you learn from what I’ve figured out.

Let’s get started.

Can I Keep Angelfish and Silver Dollars Together in the Same Tank?

Yes, Angelfish and Silver Dollars can coexist in the same tank. This pairing works well due to their compatible needs and behaviors.

  • Similar Water Conditions: Angelfish and Silver Dollars require similar water parameters, like a pH of 6.5-7.5 and temperatures of 75-82°F, ensuring a harmonious habitat.
  • Peaceful Temperament: Both species exhibit non-aggressive behaviors; Angelfish are calm, and Silver Dollars are not known to be territorial, reducing conflict risks.
  • Size Compatibility: Adult Angelfish typically reach about 6 inches, similar to Silver Dollars, preventing issues related to size disparity and predation.
  • Dietary Overlap: They share dietary preferences, both being omnivores that enjoy a variety of foods, which simplifies feeding and maintains tank harmony.

Also Read: Angelfish Tank Mates

Angelfish vs. Silver Dollars: Behavior

The first factor worth considering is the Angelfish’s and Silver Dollars’ natural behavior. Here is what you should know:

Angelfish: Natural Behavior

Angelfish are known for their graceful swimming and somewhat territorial nature, especially during breeding.

They often establish a hierarchy within their group and can show aggression to protect their territory.

  • Territorial During Breeding: Angelfish become more territorial when breeding, often guarding their eggs and fry aggressively against intruders, including other tank mates.
  • Hierarchy Establishment: In a group, Angelfish often establish a social hierarchy, which can lead to some aggression towards weaker or smaller fish in the aquarium.
  • Graceful Swimmers: Angelfish are slow, elegant swimmers, preferring to glide through the water, which can be disrupted in overcrowded or high-energy tanks.

Silver Dollars: Natural Behavior

Silver Dollars are schooling fish known for their peaceful and skittish nature. They prefer to swim in groups and are generally not aggressive, making them good community fish.

  • Schooling Behavior: Silver Dollars thrive in groups and exhibit schooling behavior, which reduces stress and helps them feel secure in the aquarium environment.
  • Non-Aggressive Nature: They are known for their peaceful disposition, rarely showing aggression towards other fish, making them suitable for community tanks.
  • Skittishness: Silver Dollars can be easily startled and prefer plenty of hiding spaces, emphasizing the need for a well-structured tank with ample cover.

Ideal Parameters for Angelfish and Silver Dollars

This table outlines the ideal water parameters for both Angelfish and Silver Dollars, as well as the parameters suitable for a tank containing both species.

ParameterAngelfishSilver DollarsBoth Types
Temperature76°F – 84°F (24°C – 29°C)75°F – 82°F (24°C – 28°C)76°F – 82°F (24°C – 28°C)
pH Level6.5 – 7.56.0 – 7.56.5 – 7.5
Water Hardness3-8 dGH4-15 dGH4-8 dGH

Angelfish: Ideal Parameters

Angelfish thrive in a specific range of water conditions that closely mimic their natural Amazonian habitat.

Maintaining these parameters is crucial for their health and well-being, as they are sensitive to changes in their environment.

  • Temperature Range: The ideal temperature for Angelfish is between 76°F and 84°F. This range promotes healthy metabolism and is crucial for breeding conditions.
  • pH Level: Angelfish prefer a slightly acidic to neutral pH, ideally between 6.5 and 7.5. Consistency in pH levels is key to avoiding stress and health issues.
  • Water Hardness: Soft to moderately hard water, with a hardness range of 3-8 dGH, is best for Angelfish, replicating their natural Amazonian water conditions.

Silver Dollars: Ideal Parameters

Silver Dollars, also native to South American rivers, require specific water conditions to remain healthy and active.

They are somewhat adaptable but do best in environments that mirror their natural habitat.

  • Temperature Range: They thrive in water temperatures ranging from 75°F to 82°F. This range is conducive to their active swimming behavior and overall health.
  • pH Level: A pH level from 6.0 to 7.5 is ideal for Silver Dollars. This slightly acidic to neutral range aligns with their natural river environments.
  • Water Hardness: They prefer a water hardness of 4-15 dGH, which offers a balance between too soft and too hard, aiding in their overall physiological well-being.

Angelfish vs. Silver Dollars: Tank Setup

This table compares the specific requirements for tank setup for both Angelfish and Silver Dollars, and suggests a setup that accommodates both.

FeatureAngelfishSilver DollarsBoth Types
Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate0 ppm Ammonia/Nitrite, <20 ppm Nitrate0 ppm Ammonia/Nitrite, <20 ppm Nitrate0 ppm Ammonia/Nitrite, <20 ppm Nitrate
Tank SizeMinimum 20 gallonsMinimum 75 gallonsMinimum 75 gallons
FoliagePlenty of live plantsLive plants and open areasMix of plants and open spaces
DecorationsSoft-edged, naturalMinimal, roundedVaried, safe decorations
FilterHigh-quality, gentle flowPowerful, cleanHigh-quality, suitable for size
HeaterReliable, 76°F – 84°FReliable, 75°F – 82°FReliable, 76°F – 82°F
SubstrateFine-grainedSand or fine gravelFine gravel or sand
PumpMild water circulationGood circulation, not strongAdequate circulation, gentle flow
LightingModerateModerate to brightModerate, conducive for both

Angelfish: Tank Setup

Setting up a tank for Angelfish requires attention to detail to replicate their natural habitat and meet their specific needs.

They thrive in a well-structured environment with stable water parameters, adequate space, and appropriate decor.

  • Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate: It’s crucial to maintain ammonia and nitrite levels at 0 ppm, and nitrate levels below 20 ppm to ensure a healthy environment for Angelfish.
  • Tank Size: A minimum of 20 gallons is required for a pair of Angelfish, but larger tanks (40-55 gallons) are better, especially for groups.
  • Foliage: Angelfish prefer tanks with plenty of live plants, which provide hiding spaces and mimic their natural Amazonian habitat.
  • Decorations: Soft-edged decorations and driftwood can be added to create a natural-looking setting without sharp edges that might harm the Angelfish.
  • Filter: A high-quality filter is necessary to keep the water clean and maintain stable water parameters, with a gentle flow as Angelfish dislike strong currents.
  • Heater: A reliable heater is required to keep the tank temperature stable between 76°F and 84°F, crucial for Angelfish health.
  • Substrate: Fine-grained substrate is preferred, as it resembles the soft river beds of their natural habitat and supports plant growth.
  • Pump: An air pump or powerhead can be used to ensure adequate water circulation, but the current should be kept mild to avoid stressing the Angelfish.
  • Lighting: Moderate lighting is ideal, as it supports plant growth and provides a natural day-night cycle for the Angelfish.

Also Read: Can Angelfish And Convict Cichlids Live Together?

Silver Dollars: Tank Setup

Silver Dollars, being active and schooling fish, require a specific tank setup that caters to their swimming behavior and schooling nature.

The tank should provide ample space, appropriate water conditions, and a stress-free environment.

  • Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate: Like Angelfish, Silver Dollars need ammonia and nitrite at 0 ppm and nitrates below 20 ppm to prevent stress and health issues.
  • Tank Size: A minimum of 75 gallons is recommended for Silver Dollars due to their schooling nature and active swimming behavior.
  • Foliage: They appreciate a tank with live plants and open swimming areas, balancing the need for cover and space to swim.
  • Decorations: Decorations should be minimal and rounded to prevent injury, as Silver Dollars are fast swimmers and can be skittish.
  • Filter: A powerful filter that can handle the bioload of a school and maintain clean water is essential for Silver Dollars.
  • Heater: Consistent water temperature, maintained between 75°F and 82°F, is vital for their well-being, requiring a reliable heater.
  • Substrate: A sand or fine gravel substrate is suitable, as it mimics the natural river bed and helps in maintaining tank cleanliness.
  • Pump: A water pump to ensure good circulation is important, but the flow should not be too strong to avoid stressing the Silver Dollars.
  • Lighting: Moderate to bright lighting is suitable for Silver Dollars, encouraging plant growth and simulating a natural environment.

The Dietary Requirements of Angelfish and Silver Dollars

This table highlights the dietary needs of Angelfish and Silver Dollars, along with recommendations for a tank with both species.

AspectAngelfishSilver DollarsBoth Types
Food TypesFlakes, pellets, live/frozen foods, vegetablesVegetable-based foods, occasional proteinMix of flakes, pellets, vegetables, occasional live/frozen foods
QuantitySmall amounts 2-3 times a dayEnough for 3-5 minutes 1-2 times dailyModerate amounts, considering both needs, 1-2 times daily
Feeding ScheduleConsistent, morning and eveningRegular, once in the morning and eveningRegular, twice daily, balanced for both species

Angelfish: Ideal Dietary Requirements

Angelfish are omnivores with a preference for a varied diet that includes both plant and animal matter.

Their diet should be well-balanced to ensure proper growth, health, and coloration.

  • Food Types: Angelfish benefit from a mix of flakes, pellets, frozen or live foods like brine shrimp and bloodworms, and vegetable matter to meet their nutritional needs.
  • Quantity: Feed Angelfish small amounts 2-3 times a day, enough that they can consume within a few minutes, to avoid overfeeding and water quality issues.
  • Feeding Schedule: Consistent feeding times, preferably in the morning and evening, help maintain a routine and reduce stress for the Angelfish.

Silver Dollars: Ideal Dietary Requirements

Silver Dollars are primarily herbivorous and require a diet rich in plant-based nutrients, though they will also accept some protein.

Their diet should focus on plant matter to mimic their natural feeding habits in the wild.

  • Food Types: A diet high in vegetable-based foods like algae wafers, spirulina flakes, and fresh vegetables, supplemented with occasional protein, is ideal.
  • Quantity: Feed them enough that they can finish in about 3-5 minutes, 1-2 times daily, to maintain their health without compromising water quality.
  • Feeding Schedule: Regular feeding, usually once in the morning and once in the evening, keeps Silver Dollars healthy and active, ensuring a consistent nutritional intake.

How to Introduce Your Angelfish to a Tank with Silver Dollars

Introducing Angelfish to a tank with Silver Dollars requires careful planning and observation to ensure a smooth transition and minimize stress.

Close monitoring of their interaction during the initial stages is crucial to ensure a peaceful coexistence.

  • Quarantine Angelfish: Keep the Angelfish in a separate quarantine tank for about 2-3 weeks to observe for any signs of illness, ensuring they are healthy before introduction.
  • Match Water Parameters: Gradually acclimate Angelfish to the tank’s water parameters by using a drip acclimation method over 1-2 hours, slowly mixing tank water into their container.
  • Rearrange Tank Decor: Before introduction, rearrange tank decorations and plants to disrupt existing territories, reducing potential aggression from Silver Dollars.
  • Supervised Introduction: Initially, observe the Angelfish closely for a few hours after introduction to ensure there is no aggressive behavior from either fish.
  • Feed During Introduction: Feed both Angelfish and Silver Dollars during the introduction to distract them and reduce potential initial aggression.

Tips for Keeping Angelfish with Silver Dollars

Successfully keeping Angelfish with Silver Dollars involves understanding their individual needs and ensuring a balanced and harmonious environment.

Regular monitoring and maintenance of the tank are key to their peaceful cohabitation.

  • Maintain Water Quality: Regular water changes (10-15% weekly) and monitoring of ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels are essential to keep both species healthy.
  • Provide Adequate Space: Ensure the tank is large enough (at least 75 gallons) to accommodate the swimming needs of Silver Dollars and territories of Angelfish.
  • Balanced Diet: Feed a varied diet suitable for both, like vegetable-based foods for Silver Dollars and protein-rich foods for Angelfish, in moderation.
  • Create Hiding Spaces: Include ample plants and decorations to create hiding spaces for Angelfish, which can reduce stress and territorial behavior.
  • Observe Behavior: Regularly monitor their behavior, especially during feeding and breeding times, to quickly address any signs of aggression or stress.
  • Separate Breeding Angelfish: If Angelfish are breeding, consider temporarily separating them to a different tank to prevent aggression towards Silver Dollars.
  • Gradual Introduction of New Fish: When adding new fish to the tank, introduce them gradually and monitor closely to maintain the tank’s harmony and reduce stress.

Best Tank Mates for Angelfish and Silver Dollars

Choosing the best tank mates for Angelfish and Silver Dollars involves selecting species that can coexist peacefully and have similar water requirements.

It’s important to avoid overly aggressive or fin-nipping fish that could stress or harm either Angelfish or Silver Dollars.

  • Corydoras Catfish: These peaceful bottom dwellers are great companions for both Angelfish and Silver Dollars, as they keep to themselves and help clean the tank floor.
  • Dwarf Gouramis: Their calm nature and similar water parameter needs make Dwarf Gouramis compatible with both Angelfish and Silver Dollars, adding color to the tank.
  • Mollies: Mollies are peaceful and adaptable, able to thrive in the same water conditions as Angelfish and Silver Dollars, and are not known to be aggressive.
  • Bristlenose Plecos: Ideal for their algae-eating habits, Bristlenose Plecos coexist well with Angelfish and Silver Dollars, helping maintain a clean tank.
  • Rummy-nose Tetras: These schooling fish are peaceful and fast enough to avoid any potential aggression from Angelfish, and they thrive in similar water conditions.
  • Loaches (e.g., Kuhli Loaches): Loaches, especially Kuhli Loaches, are peaceful and stay out of the way of Angelfish and Silver Dollars, making them good tank mates.

Also Read: Can Angelfish And Jack Dempseys Live Together?

Corydoras Catfish


For quick readers, here’s a short summary:

  • Angelfish and Silver Dollars can coexist in the same tank due to their similar water needs, non-aggressive behaviors, size compatibility, and dietary preferences.
  • Angelfish display territorial behavior especially during breeding and establish a social hierarchy, while Silver Dollars are peaceful, schooling fish, making tank environment crucial.
  • Ideal water parameters for both Angelfish and Silver Dollars include a temperature of 76°F – 82°F, a pH level of 6.5 – 7.5, and water hardness of 4-8 dGH.
  • A balanced tank setup for both species requires a minimum of 75 gallons, a mix of plants and open spaces, varied, safe decorations, and moderate lighting.
  • A varied diet, regular feeding schedule, and proper introduction methods are essential for maintaining harmony between Angelfish and Silver Dollars in a shared tank.