Angelfish are a great choice if you own a 55-gallon tank. This tank size is quite spacious, accommodating various fish species comfortably.
But how many angelfish can actually be kept in a 55-gallon tank? What if you want to add other types of fish? How is the calculation done?
In this article, I’ll answer all these questions and more, so you will have all the information you need. Let’s get started.

How Many Angelfish for a 55-Gallon Tank?
For a 55-gallon tank, you can comfortably keep 5 to 6 adult angelfish. It’s essential to provide them with ample space to avoid territorial disputes and promote healthy growth.
- Space Requirements: Each angelfish needs about 10 gallons; so, in a 55-gallon, 5-6 angelfish ensures they each get ample room.
- Territorial Behavior: Ensure a minimum of 10 inches between hiding spots, so each fish has its territory and reduced aggression.
- Water Quality: Change 10-15% of the water weekly. Overcrowding elevates ammonia, stressing the fish.
- Decoration & Plants: Incorporate tall plants like Amazon Sword and provide at least one hiding spot per angelfish.
Here’s how I typically make these calculations, following the 1-inch-per-gallon rule:
- The 1-inch-per-gallon rule suggests that for every gallon of water, you can keep 1 inch of fish.
- Angelfish can grow up to 6 inches in length when mature.
- For a single adult angelfish, you’d need around 6 gallons of water based on this rule.
- A 55-gallon tank divided by 6 gallons per angelfish gives approximately 9 angelfish.
- However, due to their territorial nature and need for space, it’s recommended to keep only 5 to 6 angelfish in a 55-gallon tank.
Also Read: Angelfish Tank Size

Best Male-to-Female Ratio for a 55-Gallon Tank
For angelfish in a 55-gallon tank, a good male-to-female ratio is often 1 male to 2 females.
This ratio promotes harmony in the tank and reduces the likelihood of territorial disputes among males.
- Aggression Minimization: One male with two females decreases male-to-male conflicts, considering angelfish’s territorial nature.
- Breeding Pairs: Angelfish form monogamous pairs. With 2 females, a male has better odds of forming a lasting bond.
- Spawning Sites: Provide 3 tall plants or vertical surfaces; one for each potential pair allows for egg-laying without dispute.
- Tank Dynamics: Observe behaviors; if a male is overly aggressive, adding an extra female can dilute tension and restore balance.
Why Choose a 55-Gallon Tank for Angelfish?
A 55-gallon tank is an ideal choice for angelfish because it offers ample space for their growth and well-being.
It allows these magnificent fish to display their natural behaviors while ensuring they live healthily.
- Growth Potential: Angelfish can reach 6 inches in height; a 55-gallon tank ensures they grow to their full potential without constraints.
- Natural Behaviors: Such a spacious environment allows angelfish to establish territories, swim freely, and engage in natural courtship dances.
- Water Stability: Larger tanks like the 55-gallon offer more stable water parameters, ensuring the sensitive angelfish thrive in consistent conditions.
Also Read: How Many Angelfish In A 40-Gallon Tank?

How to Care for Angelfish in a 55-Gallon Tank?
Caring for angelfish in a 55-gallon tank requires a combination of appropriate water conditions, diet, and tank management.
Ensuring their well-being means adhering to specific care guidelines tailored to their needs.
- Water Quality: Maintain a pH between 6.5-7.5 and check ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels regularly, aiming for zero ammonia and nitrite.
- Temperature Regulation: Angelfish thrive in 76-82°F (24-28°C). Use a reliable heater and monitor with a thermometer. My recommendation: Fluval E300 Advanced Heater (link to Amazon)
- Dietary Needs: Feed them high-quality flake food, supplemented with live or frozen foods like bloodworms or brine shrimp.
- Tank Maintenance: Conduct 25% water changes bi-weekly, ensuring the replacement water matches in temperature and pH.
- Tank Decor: Include tall plants like Amazon Swords and vertical surfaces for egg-laying, creating a natural environment.
- Tank Mates: Choose peaceful species like tetras or corydoras; avoid aggressive or fin-nipping fish to prevent stress.
- Observation: Regularly monitor for signs of illness or stress, such as clamped fins or erratic swimming, and take corrective measures promptly.
How Many Gallons for Each Additional Angelfish?
For each additional angelfish, it’s recommended to have at least 10 gallons of tank space to ensure their comfort and well-being.
This allows the fish to grow to its full potential and minimizes territorial disputes.
As such, if you have one angelfish in a 10-gallon space, you’d want to add another 10 gallons for every subsequent angelfish you introduce.
Also Read: How Many Angelfish In A 75-Gallon Tank?

What If You Add Too Many Angelfish?
Adding too many angelfish to a tank can lead to various problems ranging from health issues to behavioral conflicts.
Overstocking angelfish increases stress, disease susceptibility, and territorial disputes.
- Increased Aggression: Angelfish are territorial; too many in a confined space can lead to frequent clashes and injuries.
- Water Quality Decline: Overstocking elevates waste levels, causing spikes in ammonia and nitrite, harmful to angelfish health.
- Stunted Growth: Insufficient space and resources might hinder the proper growth of angelfish, leading to undersized adults.
- Disease Outbreak: Overcrowded tanks can promote rapid disease spread, especially if one fish becomes ill, affecting the entire community.
Is Breeding Angelfish Possible in a 55-Gallon Tank?
Yes, breeding angelfish in a 55-gallon tank is not only possible but also ideal for ensuring the well-being of both the parents and the fry.
A spacious environment like this allows for comfortable breeding and raising of the offspring.
- Pairing: Wait for angelfish to naturally form pairs; this ensures compatibility and higher chances of successful spawning.
- Spawning Sites: Provide vertical surfaces like broad-leafed plants or slate tiles for the female to lay eggs. I personally use this AQUA Angelfish Breeding Cone (link to Amazon).
- Water Conditions: Maintain a slightly warmer temperature (80-82°F or 27-28°C) and a pH around 6.5-7.0 to encourage spawning.
- Dietary Needs: Feed a high-quality diet including live or frozen foods to condition the angelfish for breeding.
- Fry Care: Once hatched, feed fry specialized foods like baby brine shrimp, ensuring they receive proper nutrition for growth.

How Many Angelfish Should Be Kept Together Generally?
Generally, angelfish should be kept in small groups or pairs to ensure a harmonious tank environment.
When considering group size, factors like tank size, angelfish temperament, and purpose play a significant role.
- Tank Size: In smaller tanks (20-30 gallons), consider keeping a pair; for larger tanks (55 gallons or more), 5-6 angelfish can coexist comfortably.
- Breeding Intent: If your aim is breeding, a single pair is ideal to prevent interruptions from other angelfish during spawning.
- Angelfish Temperament: In mixed community tanks, keeping them in groups of 5 or more can help diffuse aggression, preventing one fish from being singled out.
Which Fish Are Compatible with Angelfish in a 55-Gallon Tank?
Angelfish are semi-aggressive and can be housed with a variety of peaceful, similarly-sized tank mates in a 55-gallon tank.
It’s essential to select companions that won’t nip at the angelfish’s long fins and are not small enough to be considered prey.
Here’s a basic table that outlines what I’ll be talking about:
Combination | Recommended Count (Range) |
Angelfish + Corydoras Catfish | 4 Angelfish, 6-8 Corydoras Catfish |
Angelfish + Rummy Nose Tetras | 5 Angelfish, 10-12 Rummy Nose Tetras |
Angelfish + Dwarf Gouramis | 6 Angelfish, 2-3 Dwarf Gouramis |
Angelfish + Kuhli Loaches | 6 Angelfish, 5-6 Kuhli Loaches |
Angelfish + Bristlenose Plecos | 5 Angelfish, 1-2 Bristlenose Plecos |
Angelfish + Black Skirt Tetras | 4 Angelfish, 8-10 Black Skirt Tetras |
Angelfish + Hatchetfish | 5 Angelfish, 8-10 Hatchetfish |
- Corydoras Catfish: A group of 6-8 can peacefully coexist with angelfish, staying mostly at the tank bottom.
- Rummy Nose Tetras: A school of 10-12 provides a beautiful display and moves too swiftly for angelfish to bother.
- Dwarf Gouramis: 2-3 of these calm fish add color and won’t interfere with angelfish behaviors.
- Kuhli Loaches: About 5-6 of these can be added; they remain hidden most of the time, avoiding angelfish attention.
- Bristlenose Plecos: One or two can help with algae control, and their tough exterior deters angelfish from picking on them.
- Black Skirt Tetras: A group of 8-10 is ideal; their size and demeanor make them suitable companions for angelfish.
- Hatchetfish: Introduce a school of 8-10, as they occupy the top layer of the tank, steering clear of the angelfish’s territory.

Which Fish Aren’t Recommended with Angelfish in a 55-Gallon Tank?
Some fish species aren’t recommended to house with angelfish in a 55-gallon tank due to issues like aggression, fin-nipping, or competition for space.
It’s crucial to be selective to ensure harmony and the well-being of all inhabitants.
- Aggressive Cichlids: Species like Oscars or Jack Dempseys can bully or even eat angelfish, leading to stress or injury.
- Fin Nippers: Fast, nippy fish such as Tiger Barbs can target the long, flowing fins of angelfish, causing damage.
- Smaller Fish: Tiny species like neon tetras might become a snack for mature angelfish, making cohabitation risky.
- Territorial Bottom Dwellers: Red-tailed black sharks can be aggressive, competing with angelfish for space.
- Large Active Swimmers: Fish like the Common Pleco can overwhelm the tank, leaving insufficient space for angelfish.
- Fish Requiring Different Water Conditions: Discus fish, although related, often require warmer temperatures, making it challenging to meet both species’ needs.
- Competitive Eaters: Fish such as goldfish can outcompete angelfish for food and also produce a lot of waste, impacting water quality.

For quick readers, here’s a short summary:
- A 55-gallon tank can comfortably accommodate 5-6 adult angelfish, each requiring about 10 gallons of space to prevent territorial disputes.
- The optimal male-to-female ratio in such a tank is 1 male to 2 females, minimizing territorial conflicts and promoting successful breeding.
- 55-gallon tanks are ideal for angelfish due to their growth potential, allowing natural behaviors and providing stable water conditions.
- Proper care in a 55-gallon tank includes maintaining water quality, temperature regulation, providing a balanced diet, regular tank maintenance, and selecting compatible tank mates.
- Overstocking with angelfish can result in heightened aggression, compromised water quality, stunted growth, and increased disease susceptibility.